
lín zi
  • woods;forest;grove
林子 [lín zi]
  • (1) [口]

  • (2) [forest;grove;woods]∶一片生长着树林的地方

  • (3) [grove]∶小竹木林

林子[lín zi]
  1. 晚餐后艾利斯溜出去跟阿蒂到林子里散步。

    After dinner Alice slipped away for a walk in the woods with Artie

  2. 在这林子里我们可以看到无数只飞鸟。

    We could see birds without number all in the woods .

  3. 林子里弥漫着湿漉漉的海雾。

    Amid the trees the sea mist was dripping

  4. 那片林子可大了去了。

    That 's really quite a forest .

  5. 这间小屋是用附近林子中的树木盖成的。

    The but was constructed from trees that grew in the nearby forest .

  6. 傍晚时分在林子里走走是很惬意的事。

    It 's quite a pleasure to walk among the trees in the evening .

  7. 落了叶子的树林子空落落的。

    The leafless forest looked desolate .

  8. 一声吼叫,呼地从林子里冲出一只老虎来

    Following the roar , out rushed a tiger from among the hushes .

  9. 帕特·奥伯克是个有一大家子人的贫苦的爱尔兰人。一天清晨,由于连冻带饿,他早早就醒了。他决定到茅屋附近的林子中去打猎。

    Pat O'Burke was a poor Irishman with a large family and one morning , waking up early from cold and hunger , he decided1 to go shooting in a wood near his cottage .

  10. 林子属于富有的诺思伍德爵爷,帕特没有权力到里面去。可是林子中有一群野兔,还有鸟群,那将是一道美餐。于是,帕特决定去冒冒险。

    The wood belonged to Lord Northwood , a rich gentle man , and Pat had no right to go there , but there were swarms2 of rabbits and flocks of birds that were good to eat , and Pat decided to take the risk .

  11. Emma说,我们以后回到住的地方,撒尿的时候就到房子外面的林子里,让它们充分复归。

    Emma said , when we return to our homes , we 'll go to the woods outside our houses if we have to pee , to let everything completely return to nature .

  12. 他在林子里走时,惊动了一只鸟。

    He started a bird as he walk in the wood .

  13. 我们时而听见林子里有枪声。

    Every now and then we heard shots in the woods .

  14. 他们在树林子附近的空地上打排球。

    They are playing volleyball on the field near the woods .

  15. 在这片林子里,不允许打猎。

    Hunting is not allowed in this part of the woods .

  16. 有一天我听到林子里有枝叶劈啪的响声。

    The other day I heard a twig snap in it .

  17. 如想进一步了解我们学校,请联系林子中文学校。

    For further information please contact : The Woodlands Chinese School .

  18. 杰德在林子后私酿的酒就是玉米威士忌。

    Kentucky corn is what Jed makes back in the woods .

  19. 一妇女遗弃小猫,被判林子里呆一夜。

    Woman ordered to spend night in woods for abandoning kittens .

  20. 我们可以用刀在林子里开出一条路。

    We can cut our way through the forest with knives .

  21. 你没能指望上这片小树林子。

    You never reaped the benefits of this grove of trees .

  22. 维克夫妇已经在林子里栽种了蘑菇和当地的浆果灌木。

    The Wicks have planted gourmet mushrooms and native berry bushes .

  23. 我听说你们今天去林子里走了走

    So I hear you went stomping through the woods today .

  24. 在不远的林子里有一只鸟叫。

    Not far away in the woods , a bird called .

  25. 我建议我们四处分散来搜索这座林子。

    I suggest we fan out and search the woods .

  26. 这条小径与河并排,而后穿过林子。

    The path follows the river and then goes through the woods .

  27. 或是在林子里,他们可能会在任何地方。

    Or in the woods , they could be anywhere .

  28. 小时候我住在桑树林子里。

    When I was a child I lived amid the mulberry groves .

  29. 第二是林子,学法律的。

    The second is Linzi , whose major is law .

  30. 公路拐进树林子。

    The road turns out of sight in the trees .