
  • 网络karena;Karena Lam
  1. 他坦言自己结过婚但已离婚,并于六月与林嘉欣成婚。

    He admitted he had been married before but said he divorced and married Lam in June .

  2. 台湾艺人林嘉欣由于出演影片《百日告别》而获得最佳女演员的称号。

    The best leading actress went to Karena Lam from Taiwan for her role in the film Zinnia Flower .

  3. 一个月前,有消息称称林嘉欣退出娱乐圈,返回加拿大家中。

    A month ago it was leaked that she was retiring from showbiz and returning to her family 's home in Toronto .

  4. 近日以来,一向以清纯示人的加拿大籍香港演员林嘉欣成为各大媒体追踪报道的对象。

    Karena Lam , the Canadian-born , Hong Kong-based actress , best known for her innocent image , has been in the news of late for leading the media on a prolonged paper chase .