
  • 网络ARIEL;Ariel Lin
  1. 林依晨和陈乔恩几度打成平手,战况最激烈。

    Ariel Lin Chen and Jon tied several times , the most intense fighting .

  2. 作为一个演员,林依晨非常成功。

    AS an actor , Ariel Lin is very successful .

  3. 现在林依晨开始了新的挑战,她成了一名歌手。

    Now Lin takes on a new challenge – she becomes a singer .

  4. 上周,林依晨来北京推广她的首张专辑《遇见幸福》。

    Last week , Lin came to Beijing to promote her first album , Meeting With Happiness .

  5. 林依晨听了直说:唉呀,做不到的事不要乱说,经纪人说服我,要我考虑别去游学,但我想在纽约过圣诞节。

    When Ariel listened to the rumor , she replied ," don 't say things that cannot be done ; my manager advised me not to go to New York for further studies , but I want to spend my Christmas in new york " .

  6. 这一类型的最新代表作当数台湾偶像剧《我可能不会爱你》。剧中讲述了程又青(林依晨饰)和李大仁(陈柏霖饰)再做了14年好友后,最终携手走到一起的故事。

    The latest work of this type is the Taiwanese romantic drama In Time With You , which tells the story of Cheng Youqing ( Ariel Lin ) and Li Daren ( Bolin Chen ) , who end up together after being each other 's best friend for 14 years .