
zhěn jiè
  • lying on top of each other;lying in disorder;to lie in complete disarray or lying on top of each other
枕藉 [zhěn jiè]
  • [to lie in complete disarray or lying on top of each other] 纵横交错地躺在一起

  • 相与枕籍乎舟中。--苏轼《前赤壁赋》

枕藉[zhěn jiè]
  1. 战场上尸体枕藉。

    The battlefield was strewn with corpses .

  2. 大地震伤亡枕藉,特别是不少学校粉碎性般倒塌,酿成以千计学生惨死,豆腐渣工程的质疑,一直挥之不去。

    The authorities have gone to great lengths to stop people whose children died during the quake from pinning the blame for tofu schools .