首页 / 词典 / good

  • crooked;bent
  • distort;pervert;twist;treat unjustly
  • in vain;vainly;without avail
  • 弯曲,弯屈,引申为行为不合正道或违法曲断:~道。矫~过正。贪脏~法。~己正人(自己身子不正,倒去矫正别人)。

  • 冤屈:~死。冤~。

  • 屈就,用于别人,含敬意:~驾(a.称对方来访自己;b.请对方往访他人)。~顾(称对方来访自己)。~临(称对方来访自己)。

  • 徒然,空,白:~然。~自。~费心机。


(弯曲或歪斜) crooked; bent:

  • 矫枉过正



(使歪曲) distort; pervert; twist:

  • 枉法

    pervert the law


(冤屈) treat unjustly; wrong:

  • 冤枉

    wrong sb.(with false charges, etc.);

  • 枉死

    be wronged and driven to death


(白白地; 徒然) in vain; vainly; without avail:

  • 枉费工夫

    work without avail;

  • 枉活了一世

    wasted all one's lifetime


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 枉景

    Wang Jing

  1. 如果你能遇到下雪,那么你一定会觉得不枉此行的!

    If you can meet snow , then you certainly will think not in vain this line !

  2. “若能月夜坐此窗下读书,不枉虚生一世.”

    If one could study at this window on a moonlit night one would not have lived in vain

  3. 要是从来没看过歌剧,那就枉过此生了。

    If you have never been to an opera , you haven 't lived

  4. 到了第三个月,他实在忍无可忍了,于是找到老道,对师傅说:“弟子操劳多日,请师傅传授弟子一些仙术,也不枉弟子在这里所受的辛苦。”

    In his third month , he could not bear the suffering any longer . He went to see his teacher and said , " I 've been working hard for so many days . Now would you please teach me some skills , or it 'll be a waste of time for me to be here . "

  5. 考虑监测或过滤出站DNS连接,以便更好地维护您的枉络,对抗某些钓鱼攻击和一种新的伪装成DHCP服务器的特洛伊木马。

    Consider monitoring or filtering outbound DNS connections to better protect your network against certain phishing attacks and a new breed of trojans that masquerades as DHCP servers .

  6. 含黑云母矿物成分的不燃建材,在高于500℃温度作用下,会出现磁化特枉变化,其变化程度与物体内Fe离子氧化和受热温度有关。

    Those non-combustible construction materials with black mica may have some changes in its magnetization features under the high temperature more than 500 ℃ . The change degree is related to the oxidization and temperature of the Fe ion in the materials .

  7. 枉自学聪明,却做愚蠢事。

    Tis altogether vain to learn wisdom and yet live foolishly .

  8. 犹太酒,真不枉我信任你。

    Kosher . thanks , I 'm glad I trusted you .

  9. 但是到了之后,你会发现不枉此行。

    But if you do , it 's really worth it .

  10. 那也比你重回京城,枉送性命好。

    It is still better than returning and dying needlessly .

  11. 才不枉父亲的谆谆教诲。

    Then they would be able to follow their father 's wishes .

  12. 他在枉送前程之前至少还到达了半决赛。

    At least he reached the semifinal before hitting the self-destruct button .

  13. 枉我们还当你是朋友。

    And we treat you as our friend all along .

  14. 也算不枉一试了谢谢亲爱的

    Well , it was worth a try . Thanks , darling .

  15. 情像水向东逝去,痴心枉倾注。

    Love looks like water passing east , foolishly poured in vain .

  16. 如此美景不枉我一早起来。

    Worth waking up early for this amazing scene .

  17. 而他当然也不枉此名。

    And he certainly lived up to it .

  18. 矫枉纠偏,不啻双重补赎。

    Nor double penance , to correct correction .

  19. 因此,从某种意义上来说,佛教思想是对西方现代思想的一种矫枉。

    So to a certain extent , Buddhism can correct modem thought of the Occident .

  20. 你可以想怎麽写就怎麽写,只要能让那些花冤枉钱的人高兴就行

    You can write what you like , as long as it keeps the punters happy

  21. 爱,就是让我们不枉活一世的理由!

    Love , is the reason why we won 't feel sorry for our life .

  22. 这事众所周知,新工党枉称教育成功。

    That is well known , despite new labour 's empty claims of success in education .

  23. 在有限的人生中,见识不同的文化、景致和风俗,才不枉在这世上走一遭。

    You won 't waste your lifetime if you have experienced various cultures , sights and lives .

  24. 对一个没枉过一生的人而言,死亡的确没什么可惧的地方。

    To a person who doesn 't waste his life , death is nothing to be afraid of .

  25. 那是一首很美的诗,让贝丝觉得不枉这一生。

    It was a beautiful poem and it made Beth feel that her life had been worth living .

  26. 同时结合现有地质、采矿资料进行分析,总结陷落枉的分布规律。

    Meanwhile , geological and mining data are used for drawing the distribution laws of pillars of karst collapses .

  27. 从殖民时期进入美国时代,以俄罗斯零件拼装汽车作为结束,这真是太疯枉了。

    From colonial to the American era and then they finish with aRussian car . It 's just crazy .

  28. 若是光阴一直如此安谧宁和,此生也不枉度。

    If the time is prefer always accordingly peaceful and , the this present life doesn 't garbage a degree as well .

  29. 提醒自己死亡随时会来临,就是策励自己不要枉过每一天。

    Remind us that death may dawn on us anytime , it is to propel us not to waste any single day .

  30. 与其抱怨不能令自己长生不死,倒不如好好令生命之旅程不枉一走。

    Rather than grumbling over not being able to live forever , why not make a good journey out of this life .
