
The results with HRP labelling indicate that the projection area of hippocampus is an interpositus zone of the lobule ⅵ . Reciprocal connections may exist between this cortical area and the interpositus nucleus .
Determination of the Deviation Between the Image of a Circular Target Center and the Center of the Ellipse in the Image
The findings after correlated analysis discovered these aspects between medical service quality , patient satisfaction and patient loyalty reveal remarkable correlation .
The result are ( a ) the overall goodness of fit is not good ,( b ) the casual relationship of the four perspectives is not significant .
Objective To study correlation between cleft area and compensatory abnormal articulation habit in cleft palate patients .
The constitutive relations are established in the initial configuration by two different methods . The kinematics and tensors transfer relations are provided between the initial and current configurations .
First principles calculations have been used to study the various surface reconstructions , local density of states of surface atoms , and the local magnetic moments of the Mn constituents in Mn / GaAs ( 001 ) surface .