- 名Extremist;hugger;whole-hogger

Their views belong to the wilder fringes of European politics .
This extremist faction broke away from the main party in1917 .
Certainly it was a rebuke to extremism on both the left and right .
An extreme school of " disarmers " pronounced stable deterrence was a dangerous deception .
The moderate candidate played the two extremists one against the other and won the election .
He said there is what he called a " profound struggle " in the Middle East between the forces of moderation and extremism , which he added could affect the region 's future .
Last year an ultraorthodox Israeli stabbed six marchers in Jerusalem 's annual Gay Pride Parade .
And now , it is easy to find out how Facebook has categorized you - as very liberal or very conservative , or somewhere in between .
In January , an ultra-Orthodox newspaper removed German chancellor Angela Merkel from a photo .
Those are run by ultraconservative reactionaries , who only know how to write diatribes .
Other blunders have left Mr Abe dependent on his party 's noisy ultra-conservatives ( see article ) .
Vipassana is an ultraorthodox , stripped-down and very intensive Buddhist meditation technique . Basically , it 's just sitting .
The annual gay pride march in Jerusalem has raised strong objections from ultra-Orthodox Jews and is held under heavy security .
Israel 's centrist Kadima Party has signed a coalition deal with the ultra-Orthodox Shas Party , clearing the way for a parliamentary majority .
Police arrested an ultra-Orthodox Jew accused of stabbing and wounding six people on Thursday in a gay pride march in Jerusalem - two of them seriously .
Am 12 . M ä rz beschlie ß t das israelische Parlament die schrittweise Einf ü hrung der Wehrpflicht f ü r ultraorthodoxe M ä nner .
An Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jewish news website has cut Kim Kardashian one of the world 's most photographed women from a photo taken of her in Jerusalem this week .
Israel 's ultra-Orthodox minority has long been at odds with the Jewish state 's highest judicial authority over edicts which some devout Jews say interfere with their religious lifestyle .
Earlier , Mr. Netanyahu reached a deal with the ultra-Orthodox Shas party to join his coalition , getting Likud more seats that it needs form a government by an April 3 deadline .
Special rangers of an anti-hijacking squad , who were flown into Mumbai , surrounded Nariman House , a residential and office building serving as the headquarters of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish outreach group .
More broadly , it illustrates a growing divide between Israel 's increasingly strict ultra-Orthodox religious establishment and many Jews abroad over the age-old question of " who is a Jew " that has complicated Israel 's relationship with the diaspora for decades .
According to the differences of the degree of compliance on traditional Judaism beliefs , customs and laws as well as the differences on their attitudes towards modern society and reformation , Orthodox Judaism can be roughly divided into Modern Orthodox Judaism , Ultra-Orthodox Judaism and the Hasid .
As presenting the most intransigent case for the philosopher as a radical critic or questioner of society .
The big landlord and big comprador classes in particular always side with imperialism and constitute an extreme counter-revolutionary group .
Arabian Business , which has also fingered Al Gala as being one of the trio , points out the strictly conservative Sunni Muslim society prohibits women from interacting with unrelated males .
His view is at the hawkish extreme of the federal open market committee , on which there is now an unusually large divergence of views as to the right way forward .
The problem is his political opinions , which are so extreme they make Rush Limbaugh look like a flaming liberal .