
  • 网络pole;Pole assignment;Pole Placement
  1. 本文针对一类所谓P规范型多变量系统提出了一种广义极点配置自校正控制器。

    A generalized pole placement self-tuning controller for the so-called P-canonical multivariable systems is presented .

  2. 具有极点配置的不确定性机器人鲁棒H∞控制

    Robust H_ ∞ Control with Pole Placement for an Uncertain Robotic Manipulator

  3. 极点配置的H∞技术在直升机控制器设计中的应用研究

    Application development for helicopter controller design using H-infinity technique with pole placement constraints

  4. 基于MATLAB的线性系统极点配置问题的算法分析

    Algorithm Analysis of Linear State-Feedback System 's Pole Configuration Based on MATLAB

  5. 用最优极点配置确定PID参数一文的推广研究

    The Extensive Study of Determine PID - Parameter by Assigning Optimal Poles

  6. 极点配置PID自校正调节器及其在罩式退火炉群控系统中的应用

    Pole Assignment PID Self-tuning Regulator and Its Application to Cover Annealing Furnaces

  7. 用于消除谐波干扰的V型滤波器的零极点配置设计方法

    Pole-Zero Design Method of Power Frequency for Eliminating Notch Filters

  8. 时变时滞极点配置最优预报自校正PID控制器

    A Self-tuning PID Controller with Pole Assignment Optimal Predictor for Time-varying Delay Systems

  9. 使得闭环系统同时满足区域极点配置和H∞干扰抑制要求。

    The resulting closed-loop system satisfies the domain pole placement requirement and H ∞ disturbance attenuation .

  10. 串级前馈式极点配置自校正PID控制器

    A cascade controller for pole-placement self-tuning PID algorithm

  11. K步超前输出预报、闭环极点配置和控制信号计算。

    The computing of control signals .

  12. 时变分数时滞系统最优预报自校正极点配置PID控制算法

    An Optimal Prediction Algorithm of Self-Tuning Pole Assignment PID Controller for Systems with Time-Varying Fractional Delay

  13. 由闭环极点配置确定误差加权阵Q的一种方法

    A New Method Determining the Error Weighed Matrix Q By Setting the Closed Cycle Pole

  14. 基于极点配置状态反馈的PWM逆变器控制策略

    Control strategy of PWM inverter based on state-observer

  15. 其次通过极点配置的方法分别对这两个系统设计了常规PID控制器并进行了仿真研究。

    Secondly , it adopts the method of pole assignment to design regular PID controller for each system .

  16. 目前大多数自适应速度观测器均采用极点配置的方法来确定增益矩阵G。

    At present , most adaptive speed observers are using the method of pole placement to determine the gain matrix .

  17. Systolic算法和结构求解线性系统的极点配置问题

    Systolic algorithm and architecture for pole assignment problem

  18. 励磁装置微机化的实现,为采用极点配置自校正PID控制规律提供了条件。

    The realization of the microcomputer excitation installment provides the condition for using the control rule of the pole configuring self-tuning PID .

  19. 本文还对位置跟踪进行PID控制,PID系数通过极点配置方法得到。

    Furthermore , this system can control angle position by PID method in which the PID coefficients are obtained using pole placement .

  20. SPWM逆变器带极点配置的重复控制研究

    Research on Repetitive Control Technique with Pole-assignment for SPWM Inverters

  21. 基于重复控制与极点配置的SPWM逆变电源研究

    A SPWM Inverter-Power-Supply Based on Repetitive Control and Pole Assignment

  22. 针对MATLAB控制系统工具箱中极点配置函数,不能完成状态反馈调节系统计算问题,提出借助符号数学工具箱中有关符号对象函数,构成M文件,自动完成设计过程。

    With using the symbolic object functions in MATLAB symbolic math toolbox , a CAD method of regulation system by state-feedback is presented .

  23. 首先,以极点配置、H2、H∞为目标的输出反馈综合为例研究多目标鲁棒控制器设计;

    First , robust controllers design with mixed performance requirement is researched by giving output-feedback synthesis with H2 , H and regional pole placement constraints .

  24. 研究了极点配置控制器的稳态性能,分析得出极点配置控制器在稳态时相当于P控制器的结论。

    The steady-state behavior of Pole-placement Controller is studied , and the paper points out that the steady-state performance of Pole-placement Controller is similar to that of a P Controller . 5 .

  25. 基于等值二机模型的多机PSS极点配置

    Pole disposition of power system stabilizers in multi-machine power system based on equivalent two-machine model

  26. 本文以汽车AMT系统的离合器接合过程为控制对象,引入Δ变换离散描述,设计极点配置控制器,跟踪理想输出轴角速度。

    A pole placement controller to track the ideal angle velocity of output shaft .

  27. 在此基础上,通过双线性变换的线性摄动关系,得出了保证区域极点配置LQ反馈控制系统稳定的不确定最大摄动界。

    This is accomplished using the linear perturbation relations of the bilinear transformation .

  28. 本文提出一种适合于时变时滞系统的极点配置最优预报自校正PID鲁棒控制算法。

    In this paper , a robust self-tuning control algorithm for PID controller with pole assignment optimal prediction suitable for the process with unkaow or time-varying delay is proposed .

  29. 目前提出的数字控制策略有数字PID控制、自适应控制、模糊控制、神经网络控制、极点配置法、无差拍控制、预测控制等,这些控制策略各有特点,但都有各自的局限性。

    The proposed control strategies include digital PID control , adaptive control , fuzzy control , neural network control , pole place control , dead-beat control and predictive control .

  30. SISO系统的鲁棒极点配置设计

    Robust pole assignment design for SISO systems