
  • 网络minimal polynomial
  1. 有限域Fq上轮换矩阵的特征多项式与极小多项式

    The Characteristic Polynomial and the Minimal Polynomial of Circulant Matrix on F-q

  2. bner基,从而给出了求块循环矩阵的极小多项式的算法。

    Hence an algorithm for the minimal polynomial of a block circulant matrix over the field is presented .

  3. 但常规型m序列,由于线性复杂性较低,容易由B-M等算法推出极小多项式,最终破译。

    But the linear complexity is relatively low and easy to calculate the little multinomial by B-M algorithm and decodes finally .

  4. 构造了一种特殊的修改的多值Jacobi序列,研究了该类序列构造上的特点,确定了它的符号分布性质并给出了线性复杂度和极小多项式的表达式。

    Hardware implementation of these sequences are also outlined . ( 2 ) A special type of polyphase Jacobi sequences is presented , the symbol distribution , linear complexity and minimal polynomials of these sequences are investigated .

  5. 求有限域的极小多项式的搜索算法

    A searching arithmetic of minimum polynomial in finite commutative field

  6. 幂等矩阵的多项式的极小多项式的算法

    An algorithm for minimal polynomials of polynomials in idempotent matrices

  7. 多重采样序列的极小多项式

    Minimum Polynomial of Multiple Sampling Sequence

  8. 确定了该类序列的符号分布,线性复杂度和极小多项式。

    The symbol distribution , linear complexity and the minimal polynomials of these sequences are determined .

  9. 周期序列的极小多项式

    Minimal polynomials of periodic sequences

  10. 求出了向量序列的线性复杂度、极小多项式、周期和自相关函数。

    And the vector sequence 's linear complexity , minimal polynomial , period and self-correlation function are derived .

  11. 文献[1]给出了一类伪随机采样序列&下标序列的定义,并在一般意义下给出了它们的生成多项式和极小多项式。

    In reference [ 1 ] , a class of pseudo-random decimated sequences named subscript sequences was given and discussed .

  12. 本文解决了整环上两条序列的最短线性递归问题,并给出了递归极小多项式的方法。

    This paper presents a solution to the problem of the shortest linear recurrence of two sequences over an integral domain and describes the recurrence of the minimal polynomial .

  13. 研究了被采序列的极小多项式是可约多项式的采样攻击问题,给出了能使其采出序列的线性复杂性减少的采样距的选择方法和选取条件。

    The decimation attack is also studied if the minimal polynomial of original sequence is a reducible polynomial . The selecting method and condition of the decimation distance d which can reduce the linear complexity is given .

  14. ·给出了求域上有限群的群代数上的块循环矩阵的极小多项式的算法,西安电子科技大学博士学位论文:多项式代数及其应用奇异性判别法及其逆矩阵的求法。

    Algorithms for the minimal polynomial and the inverse of a given block circulant matrix over a group algebra of a finite group over a field are presented , and a method of determining singularity of this block circulant matrix is given .

  15. 运用构造性代数几何方法,研究插值节点取在一个代数流形上时的多元多项式插值问题,提出构造极小次数插值基的相关理论和算法,并给出了极小次数插值多项式的次数估计。

    Constructive algebraic geometry methods were used to discuss multivariate interpolation problems for which the interpolation nodes are taken from one algebraic manifold and the related theories and algorithms for constructing minimal degree interpolation basis were presented . An estimation for the degree of interpolation polynomial was also presented .