
jí yòu
  • far right;ultra-Right
极右 [jí yòu]
  • [far right] 极端保守;极端保守主义

极右[jí yòu]
  1. 我们要警惕少数日本极右势力对中日关系的干扰和破坏

    We must keep up our guard against the attempts of a handful of ultra-right forces in Japan to obstruct and undermine Sino-Japanese relations

  2. 渡边恒雄称,到现在为止,还没人乘坐极右分子用来宣传民粹主义的装有扬声器的黑卡车前来找他。

    There have , according to Mr Watanabe , been no visits from the loudspeaker-equipped black trucks that the ultra-right uses to spread nationalist propaganda .

  3. 她的政治观点属于极右。

    Her politics are somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan .

  4. 她是党内的极右分子。

    She is on the far right of the party .

  5. 极右势力在20世纪80年代有所抬头。

    The extreme right reared its ugly head in the 1980s .

  6. 反种族主义活动家正在力促政府取缔所有极右组织。

    Anti-racist campaigners are urging the Government to ban all far-Right groups .

  7. 他们聚集起来抗议极右势力的复活。

    They gathered to protest against the renaissance of the extreme right .

  8. 将出现极左或极右的情况。

    There will be a radical swing to the right or the left .

  9. 极右势力已经清楚地表明了其意图。

    The far-right has now made its intentions clear .

  10. 他已决定与议会中的极右团体共进退。

    He has decided to throw in his lot with the far-right groups in parliament .

  11. FPTP在全国范围都伤害了自民党和其他小党派(如绿党和极右的英国国家党)的利益。

    FPTP hurts the Lib Dems and smaller parties such as the Greens or the extreme-right British National Party all over the country .

  12. 他仿佛博尔赫斯(Borges)爱冷笑的淘气儿子,小心翼翼地创造出一张严密的,由极右文学家与美文创作者构成的大网,对于他们来说,希特勒意味着美、真理与伟大的失落希望。

    As if he were Borges 's wisecracking , sardonic son , Bola ñ o has meticulously created a tightly woven network of far-right litt é rateurs and purveyors of belles lettres for whom Hitler was beauty , truth and great lost hope .

  13. 但如果极右势力在德国兴起,那将是一场灾难。

    The rise of the far right in Germany would be a disaster .

  14. 他受到来自党内极右政治家的反对。

    He is facing opposition from politicians on the hard right of the party .

  15. 反欧情绪依然高涨,并且不仅仅来自极左和极右派势力。

    Anti-European feelings are still vocal and not only on the extreme left and right .

  16. 他有极右的观点。

    He has very right-wing views .

  17. 简言之,就连极右分子也正在抛弃只会让自己名誉受损的反犹太主义。

    In short , even far-rightists are ditching anti-Semitism , which was only tarnishing their brand .

  18. 在奥地利,极右势力在民调中获得近30%的支持率。

    In Austria , the far right are at nearly 30 per cent in the polls .

  19. 法国极右政党“国民阵线”在周日的欧洲选举中收获了近四分之一的选票。

    France 's far-right National Front party attracted one in four votes Sunday at the European polls .

  20. 极右党派希望在一个月后的总统和地方选举时利用由此造成的恶劣情绪。

    Far-right parties hope to capitalise on the ugly mood at presidential and local elections later this month .

  21. 大约25%的希腊人已经开始支持极左或极右政党。

    Something like 25 per cent of Greeks already vote for parties of the extreme left or right .

  22. 如果极右能够赢得一半摇摆不定的选民,它将能获得3到4个百分点。

    If the centre-right could win over half the waverers , it could grab three to four percentage points .

  23. 苏联的文化政策曾经历了一个由极左滑向极右的过程,先是对“持不同政见”的作家采取高压政策,制造了不少冤假错案。

    The former Soviet Union 's cultural policy underwent a process from the extreme left to the extreme right .

  24. 在法国,三分之一的选民投票支持极右或极左的总统候选人。

    In France , a third of the electorate recently voted for a far-right or a far-left candidate for the presidency .

  25. 这可能很危险:这是在邀请极左和极右势力兜售他们带骗人的确定性。

    That could be dangerous : it is an invitation to the far left and right to peddle their beguiling certainties .

  26. 本文主要对欧洲极右政党中的一种新型政党新民粹主义政党进行研究,剖析了其核心特征、组织特点、选举基础,比较分析了其与新法西斯主义政党的异同。

    This article is a study of New Populist Party , a new type of party in the family of European extreme right parties .

  27. 他指出,出于这个原因,至少在英国,追踪极右分子的工作是由警察而不是安全部队来负责。

    For that reason , he says , at least in Britain , it 's a job for the police rather than the security forces .

  28. 从右翼的民兵组织到左翼的反全球化示威者,政党派别中的极左和极右两派显然都存在这种愤怒的情绪。

    The anger is apparent at both ends of the political spectrum - from militias on the right , to anti-globalization demonstrators on the left .

  29. 右翼民粹主义在不同国家展现出不同特征:与德国和英国的情况相比,希腊和匈牙利右翼民粹主义带有更令人反感的极右色彩。

    Rightwing populism displays different characteristics from country to country , possessing a nastier far-right streak in Greece and Hungary than in Germany and the UK .

  30. 虽然极右势力在欧洲的确呈上升之势,但新民粹主义面临着难以克服的困境,相当长的时期内它仍难以帮助极右政党占据主流地位。

    It is very clear that in a relatively long period of time new populism won 't have the ability to help extreme-right parties to become dominant .