
bǎn shū
  • blackboard-writing;writing on the blackboard;write on the blackboard
板书 [bǎn shū]
  • [write on the blackboard] 老师讲课时在黑板上写字。也指老师在黑板上写的字

板书[bǎn shū]
  1. 板书在语文教学中具有很大的作用,这是毋庸置疑的事实。

    Blackboard-writing plays a huge role in the Chinese teaching , which is undoubted .

  2. 指出多媒体与板书教学结合能够激发学生的学习兴趣、思考能力、记忆能力,有利于提高学生的学习效率。

    The combination of multimedia with blackboard-writing in teaching is beneficial to improving students ' study efficiency by arousing their interest in studying biochemistry and improving their thinking ability and memory .

  3. 我应该这么写板书&含有两个变量的函数f是什么。

    So , maybe I should say f & which is a function of two variables .

  4. 试论运用VBA编写宏优化计算机演示教学中的板书

    Optimizing Blackboard Writing in CAI through Macro Coding with VBA

  5. 正是基于这一点,本文针对基于TabletPC平台的辅助教学系统进行了研究。该辅助教学系统将传统板书及多媒体教学特点融于一体,是对课堂教学方式的一大改进。

    Because of this point , this thesis has researched assisted instruction system based on Tablet PC. The assisted instruction system integrates traditional blackboard instruction mode and multimedia instruction into a whole .

  6. 本文以多媒体教学设备为主要研究对象,通过对触摸屏技术以及USB通信等关键技术的研究,解决了传统多媒体系统缺乏黑板板书灵活性的这一问题。

    This paper taking multi-media teaching facilities as the main study object , through the key technology research , such as touchscreen technology and USB communication , solves the problem that the traditional multimedia system is lack of flexibility which blackboard writing has .

  7. 多媒体教学中板书的作用不能忽视

    The Importance of Blackboard Writing during Multi-Media Teaching Cannot be Neglected

  8. 板书画图和多媒体结合,促进工程制图课程教学效果

    Drawing and multi - media promotes engineering Drawing Course Teaching Effect

  9. 采用电子板书授课的体会

    A Reflection on the Class Teaching Using Electronic Writing on BlackBoard

  10. 根据板书复述故事,作为检查学生理解文本的一个手段。

    Help Ss retell the story according to the Bb design .

  11. 板书问题,让学生再听一次录音,听完回答。

    Very good ! Now listen again and answer the questions .

  12. 浅谈课堂板书设计与教学效果之关系

    On the Relation Between Blackboard Designing for Class and Teaching Results

  13. 板书重点句子,领读,小组读,男女生读。

    SS : Point to the card and read it .

  14. 在多媒体课堂教学软件中实现板书

    The Implementation of Writing On Blackboard in Multimedia Instruction Software

  15. 板书与多媒体相结合的大学物理教学模式

    The College Physics Teaching Model of Blackboard and Multimedia Combining

  16. 物理板书是中学物理教学中一种重要的传统教学手段。

    Blackboard writing is an important tradition Teaching method at middle school .

  17. 听录音,回答问题,板书关键词。

    Listen to the tape , answer the questions on the blackboard .

  18. 地理教学板书、板图设计浅论

    How to Design Writing and Drawing on the Blackboard in Geography Lessons

  19. 这位老师的板书漂亮。

    The teacher writes a beautiful hand on the blackboard .

  20. 画法几何教学中板书设计技巧

    Mechanics of Blackboard - Writing Design among Descriptive Geometry Teaching

  21. 多媒体技术与板书结合在生物化学教学中的应用

    Combining multimedia technology with blackboard writing in biochemistry teaching

  22. 再听一遍录音,核对答案,并板书。

    Listen to the tape and answer the questions .

  23. 我希望我的板书做的更好一点。

    And I wish I 'd made my boards a little bit better .

  24. 根据文体特点选择最佳板书形式

    Selecting the Best Style of the Blackboard Writing According to the Stylistic Characteristics

  25. 教师可以在黑板上进行板书,也可以在电脑上的电子黑板上进行板书。

    The teacher can either write on the blackboard or on the computer .

  26. 中学历史课堂教学的板书

    The blackboard writing in history teaching in middle schools

  27. 他们喜欢硬硬的厚纸板书,可以自己拿着。

    They love sturdy board books they can carry .

  28. 论化学课堂教学的板书

    On Writing on the Blackboard in Chemistry Class

  29. 《工程制图》课的课堂板书要求

    Demand on Blackboard Writing in Engineering Drawing Class

  30. 试论体育理论课教学的板书设计论写作触发思维过程

    On the Design About Writing on the Blackboard of Theory Teaching of Physical Education