
  • 网络Jack Welch;Jack Welche
  1. 杰克·韦尔奇的CEO智慧与现代警察管理

    Jack Welch 's " CEO " Wisdom and Modern Police Management

  2. 杰克·韦尔奇&全球第一CEO

    Jack Welch , The No.1 CEO in the World

  3. 《杰克·韦尔奇自传》被誉为CEO的圣经。

    Jack . Welch Autobiography > praised as " the Holy Bible of CEO " .

  4. 但真正把这一高度有效的质量战略变成管理哲学和实践,从而形成一种企业文化的是在杰克·韦尔奇领导下的通用电气公司(GeneralElectricCompany)。

    But the General Electric company turned it into manage philosophy and practice by the lead of Jack . welch . Moreover , it becomes a kind of enterprise culture .

  5. “在现实生活中,策略其实是非常简单的。”杰克·韦尔奇/JackWelch写道。

    " In real life , strategy is actually very straightforward ," wrote Jack Welch .

  6. 通用电气公司CEO杰克·韦尔奇(JackWelch)就说:全球化已经成为不容忽视的现实。

    Jack Welch , Chairman and CEO of General Electric once said that globalization has already become a realty that can not be ignored .

  7. 正如前GE总裁杰克·韦尔奇所言,任何-家想靠竞争取胜的公司必须设法使每个员工敬业。

    As the former GE CEO Jack-Welch said , " any company which wants to win in competition must seek to enable every employee to engage " .

  8. 著名的通用电气前CEO杰克·韦尔奇指出:任何企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中取胜,提高员工的敬业水平是关键。

    The famous general electric CEO jack Welch points out that any enterprise want to win in the fierce market competition , the key is to improve the staffs professional level .

  9. 以管理哲学的视角,从四个方面介绍GE的文化管理,来阐述杰克·韦尔奇的管理艺术,其特点对我国企业文化建设将有所裨益。

    This article , from the perspective of managerial philosophy , introduces the culture of GE in four aspects , expounds Jack Welch 's managerial art , hoping that its characteristics will be of great value to the construction of our country 's enterprise culture .

  10. 我在通用公司为一个名叫杰克·韦尔奇的家伙工作了20年。

    I worked for a guy named Jack Welch for twenty years at GE .

  11. 杰克·韦尔奇:获得自信是你成功的关键,贯穿你的人生。

    Jack Welch : Getting self-confidence is at the heart of success , in every aspect of life .

  12. 杰克·韦尔奇曾经说过任何想依靠竞争取得胜利的公司都必须设法使每个员工敬业。

    Jack Welch once said " any company which want to win rely on competition , must try to make everyone engagement " .

  13. 一提起领袖人物,人们脑海中最先浮现的便是杰克·韦尔奇或比尔·克林顿这样的大人物——他们善于交际,在公众场合更是活力四射。

    When you picture a leader , the image that usually comes to mind is someone like Jack Welch or Bill Clinton - gregarious , energized by crowds .