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lái lì
  • origin;source;background;antecedent;there is a long history to
来历 [lái lì]
  • (1) [antecedent;background; sources; origins]∶一个人的前期经历或履历

  • 查明来历

  • (2) [there is a long history to]∶人或事物的历史或背景

  • 提起这把手术刀可大有来历

来历[lái lì]
  1. 这仿佛多少可以暗示出一点关于马德兰先生的来历。

    It seemed to throw a light on M.Madeleine 's origin .

  2. 把龙舟节的来历告诉我好吗?

    Could you tell me the origin of the Dragon-boat Festival ?

  3. 瞬间来历,他就看见耗子的尖鼻头从木头食槽下面探出来。

    In a moment he saw the rat 's sharp nose poke24 out from underneath25 the wooden trough .

  4. 冷柜那一层原来是做手术的地方,这就能充分解释红色油毡和它下边那几层的陈旧的褐色东西的来历了,那些褐色的东西是在手术过程中流的血。

    The first level with the meat locker classroom was the operating wing that would explain the red linoleum versus23 the equally aged20 brown stuff on the subsequent floors ; for all the blood spillage during surgeries .

  5. 我对这个鬼魂的来历和他的故事知道的不是很多,但我深信他跟着我回了我家,并且和我共处了一段时间,厨房里的怪事就是他所为。

    I never got a full story on who the ghost was or anything about the ghost , but I am fairly certain that the ghost followed me home and vacationed with me a while and tried to make its presence known in my kitchen .

  6. 此外一些(some)外中国(china)人比我更执着,他们了解了那个人的来历,还建立了一个松散的圈子来帮助他。

    Other expats had been more persistent than me , learning the man 's story and setting up a loose network to help him .

  7. 这个赌局的来历是这样的,马修·佩里和威利斯在《杀手不眨眼》(TheWholeNineYards)这部电影里一起担任主角,佩里和威利斯打赌这部电影上映之后票房排名绝对会得第一,而威利斯却不相信。

    The story goes that Perry bet Willis that the film would debut at number one in the box office , and Willis disagreed .

  8. stealthethunder直译为“偷了某人的雷声”,最初的意思是“偷了某人的想法”。这个短语的来历跟雷声有关。我没宣布我怀孕的消息,因为凯西要结婚了,我不想抢了她的风头。

    e.g. : I kept quiet about my pregnancy because Cathy was getting married , and I didn 't want to steal her thunder .

  9. 本文应用统计能量分析(SEA)及质量载荷效应,研究了子系统响应谱峰值的来历;评述了MIL-STD-810E-515.4及国军标GJB-150-17中噪声试验(梯形)谱的缺陷;

    The source of the subsystem response spectrum peak is studied using statistical energy analysis ( SEA ) and mass loading effect : A review is made about drawback of acoustic noise test spectrum ( trapezoid )( MIL STD 810E 515.4 and GJB 150 17 );

  10. 介绍EMV规范的来历和规范中所采用的3DES算法、RSA算法等密码算法的原理。

    In this paper , the background of EMV specification is introduced . The basic principles of the encrypting algorithms used in this specification , such as 3DES and RSA , are described too .

  11. 据说这就是春节的来历。

    This is said to the origins of Chinese New Year .

  12. 关于这个名字的来历有几种不同的解释。

    There are several explanations for where this name came from .

  13. 关于元宵节的来历有很多传说。

    There are many legends concerning the origins of Lantern Festival .

  14. 史诗中并没有明确指出奈格灵的来历。

    The epic doesn 't explicitly specify where Naegling comes from .

  15. 他们并不相互询问各自的来历。

    These men do not ask each other whence they come .

  16. 我们必须认出那车的来历。

    We 've got to get an ID on the vehicle .

  17. 有个记者当心地指出信息的来历。

    Example : A reporter careful to note sources of information .

  18. 蚕豆的来历及营养成份舆药用价值

    The Origin of Horsebean , Nutrient Content and Officinal Value

  19. 汉语南方方言几个常用词的来历

    The Etymological Origins of Some Words in the Southern Dialects

  20. 但是你是否知道这“六一”节的来历?

    Butyou whether do know this " 61 " the festival origin ?

  21. 古老墓志铭现身以色列为世人讲述耶稣的来历。

    Proof of jesus-burial artifact may be the oldest evidence of christ .

  22. 没有人确切地知道毛埃的来历。

    No one knows how the Moai came to be .

  23. 可惜,没人知道它的确切来历。

    Unfortunately , no one knows about its exact origins .

  24. 你出生时并非毫无来历。

    You did not arrive at birth without a history .

  25. 精通一份工作需要时间来历练

    It 's Going To Take Time To Get Good At Your Job

  26. 接着,小姑娘向我们讲述了房子的来历。

    Then the little girl told us the history of the house .

  27. 然而我们并不知道你的来历。

    Although no disclosure has yet been made by you at all .

  28. 让我告诉你们一点儿这个的来历。

    Let me tell you a little history of it .

  29. 你们不知道这人来历。

    You don 't know how he 's come into the world .

  30. 结果,这就是这套酒具的来历。

    And , uh * That 's our baccarat story .