- 名stripe rust;stripe/yellow rust

Prediction of Wheat Stripe Rust in Hanzhong Area by BP Neural Network
Study on Z_4 Gene of Resistance to Stripe Rust of Thinopyrum Intermedium Transferred into Spring Wheat
SSR Marker of Wheat Stripe Rust Resistance Gene Yr 2
Identification of Wheat-Leymus Translocation Line with Stripe Rust Resistance by Cytology and RAPD Analysis
Genetic analysis of the main agronomic characters of spring wheat transferred into Z_4 gene of resistance to stripe rust
Several new variant strains obtained immune or high resistant to wheat stripe rust . The results indicated that the exogenous DNA of oats had been introduced into the wheat .
A study on lineage of Chinese races of yellow rust ( Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici ) with RAPD analysis
Association analysis of the resistance against stripe rust of 153 cultivars and 308 SNP markers designed by our laboratory was conducted .
QTL Mapping for Adult-Plant Resistance to Stripe Rust in Common Wheat Cultivar Libellula
Increased UV-B radiation can reduce weed number , aphid number , and animal number in soil , rust illness degree in wheatfield .
Through the independence test of the contingency table analysis , six SNP markers were identified to be associated with the disease resistance at the 0.01 probability level .
Stripe rust , caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici , is one of the most serious air-borne diseases in wheat worldwide .
The genetic analysis of resistance , gene postulation and AFLP analysis of Xingzi 9104 , an elite germplasm , to wheat stripe rust and powdery mildew were conducted in this paper .
Stripe rust , caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. Tritici ( Pst ), is a destructive disease of wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) worldwide .
A computer program was developed , which was suitable to Sharp PC-1500 pocket computer . It can be used for data collection and processing for resistance to wheat stripe rust , powdery mildew , virus and leaf spot diseases in the field .
The results indicate that the inversion accuracy of PLS is higher than that of the method proposed in reference [ 4 ] , which used PRI ( Photochemical Reflectance Index ) to predict disease severity .
Wheat strip rust , caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp . tritici , is a destructive disease worldwide . Epidemic from the country ` s wheat planting area in China has occured for several times .
A New Gene ( Yr34 ) for Resistance to Stripe Rust of Wheat : Its Identification , Location and Molecular Genetics
Genetic analysis suggested that the stripe rust resistance Taichung 29 6 / Heines ⅶ was controlled by a single gene .
Wheat stripe rust , caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici ( Pst ), is one of the main important fungal diseases in wheat , which has caused great losses to the wheat production in the world .
Due to the reasons above , the thesis analyzed the status of wheat quality in Gansu , composition of HMW-GS and also studied the relationships between baking-bread quality and HMW-GS , quality traits of Gansu wheat and resistance to stripe rust .
Yellow rust ( Puccinia striiformis Westend f. sp. tritici ) is one of the most important wheat diseases worldwide . Breeding for resistance is considered the most economical and effective way for controlling the disease .
The wheat stripe rust was a fungal disease on leaves caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp tritici , and it was the most destructive disease that affects wheat production security in China . Wheat stripe rust has historically burst several times and caused severe seed yield loss .
Responses of Wheat Plants Infected with Stripe Rust to Water Stress
Studies on stripe rust resistance of the cultivar resources of Wheat
Its spike traits and stripe resistance have to be improved .
Distribution of the wheat stripe rust and the main influencing factors
Effect of wheat cultivar mixtures on wheat yield and stripe rust
Differential Expression Analysis of Stripe Rust-Resistance Related Genes and Gene Cloning
Analysis for Reasons of Resistance Differentiation to Stripe Rust in Wheat