
tiáo mù
  • entry;entries in a dictionary;clauses and subclauses;clauses and subclauses in a document
条目 [tiáo mù]
  • (1) [clauses and subclauses in a document]∶规章、条约等的项目

  • (2) [entries in a dictionary]∶字典、词典中的一整条

条目[tiáo mù]
  1. 很多条目与两次世界大战有关。

    Many entries relate to the two world wars .

  2. 在《引语词典》中,“亲吻”这一条目不下一栏半。

    In The Dictionary of Quotations , there are no fewer than one and a half columns devoted to ' kiss ' .

  3. 截断事务日志将删除事务日志中不活动的条目

    Truncating the transaction log will remove inactive entries from the transaction log .

  4. “System”分支用于存储其他(但必需)的身份验证条目信息。

    The " System " branch is used to store miscellaneous , but essential , authentication entry information .

  5. 这个OpenModel菜单条目将不会打开这个模型编辑器或者主图。

    The Open Model menu item will not open the model editor or the main diagram .

  6. 现在您将更新这个工作条目,从而显示状态为InProgress。

    Now you will update the work item to show the status as In Progress .

  7. 该条目是employees节点的第一个子节点。

    This entry is the first child of the employees node .

  8. 变更状态为Resolve,并保存这个工作条目。

    Change the state to Resolve and save the work item .

  9. 该数据库只有一张表Customers,该表中只有两个条目。

    It has only one table , Customers , with only two entries in it .

  10. 然后我又有了另外一个页面,能将XML转换回日历条目。

    Then , I have another page that turns that XML back into calendar items .

  11. 一个证书可能包含多个组织单位(OrganizationUnit,OU)条目。

    The certificate might contain multiple Organization Unit ( OU ) entries .

  12. Tom只能创建和编辑新闻稿和新闻条目。

    Tom can only create and edit press releases and news items .

  13. entrynamesyntax是一个整数值,它指定条目名称的语法。

    The entry_name_syntax is an integer value which specifies the syntax of the entry name .

  14. CU条目可能包含以下属性

    The CU entry may have the following attributes

  15. 专用密码文件中的条目将创建Web服务器帐户,这些帐户完全独立于操作系统已知的帐户。

    Entries in the private password file create Web server accounts that are totally separate from those known to the operating system .

  16. Inspection视图会显示相关的CSS条目,包括继承样式。

    The Inspection view shows related CSS entries , including inherited styles .

  17. 请求PUT或DELETE的性质决定是否更新或删除工作表条目。

    The nature of the request PUT or DELETE determines whether the worksheet entry is updated or deleted .

  18. 选择这个工作条目并点击OK。

    Select the work item and click OK .

  19. 数据存储进行一系列LibraryServer调用来装载通用的元数据(例如,条目类型定义)。

    The datastore makes a series of Library Server calls to load common metadata ( for example , item type definitions ) .

  20. 从“Location”列选择任何条目以装入相应的WSDL文档。

    Select any entry from the " Location " column to load the corresponding WSDL document .

  21. 邮件id无效或不唯一,无法分解成目录权限条目。

    Mail id invalid or not unique , cannot resolve to directory authorization entry .

  22. 该命令需要修改现有条目的条目ID。

    This command requires the entry ID of an existing entry to be modified .

  23. 如果您使用的基于Eclipse的产品,这个条目可能有所不同。

    This entry might be different if you are using an Eclipse-based product .

  24. 传统观点认为,控制是基础生成的,PRO是非显性的词汇条目。

    Traditionally , PRO is believed to be abase-generated , non-overt lexical item .

  25. 在插入期间,每个XML文档只被处理一次,便可以为所有XML索引生成索引条目。

    During insert , each XML document will be processed only once to generate index entries for all XML indexes .

  26. ShowDirectory命令的输出表示当前在Domino数据库缓存中找到的条目。

    The output from the Show Directory command represents the entries currently found in the Domino database cache .

  27. 例如,您可以通过对表和列施加约束和check约束来确保各个条目正确。

    For example , you can ensure individual entries are correct by imposing constraints and check constraints on tables and columns .

  28. name和iata字段条目演示了长表单。

    The name and iata field entries demonstrate the long form .

  29. 列表将显示记录的条目,当您单击“display”(显示)按钮时,将详细显示这些条目。

    The list shows the documented entries , which are then displayed in detail when confirmed by clicking on the display button .

  30. 消费者通过对提供者的API端点发出请求而请求特定的内容条目。

    A consumer requests specific content items by making requests to the provider 's API endpoint .