
  1. 2011年,斯嘉丽·约翰松(ScarlettJohansson)穿了杜嘉班纳一件合身的淡紫色带花朵图案长裙。

    In 2011 , Scarlett Johansson was decked out in a fitted lavender dress with a floral pattern .

  2. 导演瑞安·墨菲(RyanMurphy)发推特说,杜嘉班纳的服装“和他们的憎恨一样丑陋”。

    The director Ryan Murphy tweeted that Dolce & Gabbana 's clothes are " as ugly as their hate . "

  3. 为了容纳被合并的DG,杜嘉班纳公司在意大利新造了两个工厂,尽管DG的生产基地大多在亚洲和中东国家,如摩洛哥和土耳其。

    The company expanded two of its Italian factories to accommodate D & G , even though most of the production was to take place in Asia and Mediterranean countries such as Morocco and Turkey .

  4. 埃尔顿·约翰和丈夫大卫·弗内什(DavidFurnish)拥有两个通过试管婴儿方式生下的孩子,他呼吁抵制杜嘉班纳,这个品牌他已经穿了很久。

    Elton John , who has two children via in-vitro fertilization with his husband , David Furnish , called for a boycott of Dolce Gabbana , a brand he has long worn .

  5. 柯妮·拉芙(CourtneyLve)宣布,她打算烧掉自己所有的杜嘉班纳服装。

    Courtney Love declared her intention to burn all the D & G clothing she owned .

  6. 他们的时装品牌杜嘉班纳(Dolce&Gabbana)最近的广告宣传似乎又在赞美群交。

    A recent ad campaign for their fashion line , Dolce & Gabbana , seemed to extol group sex .

  7. 从乔治·阿玛尼(GiorgioArmani)到杜嘉班纳(Dolce&Gabbana)以及古姿(Gucci),设计师们都认可了这种原本属于公子哥穿的奢侈面料,并让它堂而皇之地登堂入室。

    Designers from Giorgio Armani to Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci have taken this luxurious , louche fabric and brought it squarely in to the daylight 。

  8. “观察:现场”(WatchWhatHappens:Live)的主持人安迪·科恩(AndyCohen)本周早些时候说,他正在eBay上拍卖自己的黑色杜嘉班纳西装,并打算把拍得的款项捐赠给男同性恋权利组织“家庭平等委员会”。

    Andy Cohen , the host of " Watch What Happens : Live , " said earlier this week that he was auctioning his black Dolce suit on eBay and would donate the money to the Family Equality Council , a gay rights organization .

  9. 阿玛尼和杜嘉班纳继续经营,但其地盘上又出现了年轻的时尚品牌,如卡哈特(Carhartt)和看步(Camper)。

    Armani and Dolce & Gabbana have moved on , but in their place are younger fashion brands like Carhartt and Camper .

  10. 但是,除赢利外,每款球衣是否可有更深层次意义?杜嘉班纳合伙创始人多梅尼科•多尔切(DomenicoDolce)说:球衣存在一定的期望值,因为球星如今已是时尚偶像。

    But might a team suit have deeper significance than moneymaking ? Domenico Dolce of Dolce Gabbana says there is a degree of expectation because football players are style icons now .

  11. 她通常会强调自己的客户必须穿非孕妇装,其中就包括珍妮•帕克汉本人自己。在珍妮本人两次怀孕期间,查韦斯还时不时让她穿杜嘉班纳(Dolce&Gabbana)时装(她指出该品牌的面料伸缩性非常好)。

    As a rule , she emphasises non-maternity wear for her clients , including Jessica Simpson , whom Chavez has dressed throughout both her pregnancies partly in Dolce & Gabbana ( it has a lot of stretch in the fabric , she notes ) .

  12. 这位时尚达人穿了一件杜嘉班纳的蜘蛛网图案连衣裙。

    The fashionista was wearing a Dolce & Gabbana spider web dress .

  13. 我觉得是杜嘉班纳牌的。

    Well , I think it 's Dolce and Gabbana .

  14. 而杜嘉班纳产品主打性感套装和蕾丝裙。

    Dolce & Gabbana sent out a sultry ensemble of suits and lace dresses .

  15. 然而,杜嘉班纳公司已开始将此举通告各大零售合作商。

    However , Dolce & Gabbana has begun notifying its retail partners of the change .

  16. 米兰时尚品牌杜嘉班纳已在意大利法院提起诉讼。

    Milan fashion house Dolce & Gabbana has filed a lawsuit in an Italian court .

  17. 和她一样,杜嘉班纳也宣扬一种表面有些放肆,但在现实生活中,却非常耐用的形象。

    And like her , Dolce Gabbana promulgated an image of excess but in real life were workhorses .

  18. 然而这位杜嘉班纳代言人拒绝了一切名和利,她说想先完成学业。

    But the Dolce and Gabbana muse refused all offers of fame and fortune saying she wanted to finish school first .

  19. yoox.cn上最贵的是一款杜嘉班纳中等大小的黑灰色皮包,价值4.922万元。

    On yoox.cn , the most expensive item is a medium-size black and gray fur bag from Dolce & Gabbana , with a price tag of 49920 yuan .

  20. 尽管杜嘉班纳试图与其社交媒体账户上的帖子保持距离,但该品牌仍面临着来自亚洲消费者的抵制呼吁。

    Although D & G tried to distance itself from the posts on its social media account , the brand continued to face boycott calls from Asian consumers .

  21. 多尔切(53岁)与加巴纳(49岁)初识于1980年,当时他俩均为米兰某时装工作室的员工,并于1982年创建杜嘉班纳公司。

    Dolce , 53 , and Gabbana , 49 , met in 1980 when both were assistants at a fashion atelier in Milan , and became Dolce & Gabbana in 1982 .

  22. TFBoy乐队成员王俊凯主动放弃了杜嘉班纳中国品牌大使,其他名流对于杜嘉班纳拍摄这样视频的行为也进行了谴责。

    TFBoys band member Wang Junkai stepped down from his role as Chinese brand ambassador for D & G and a number of other famous figures denounced the long-criticised creative decisions of the designer brand .

  23. 这可能跟它主动拉拢博客写手有很大关系。曾有一些博客写手被邀请参观杜嘉班纳公司和9月份它在米兰的时装秀。

    That probably has a lot to do with the brand 's active pursuit of bloggers , a number of whom were invited to the Dolce Gabbana and D G runway shows in Milan last September .

  24. 因为该品牌的商业广告中描述了一位中国女性试图用筷子吃各种意大利食品涉嫌歧视,从而引发了为期一周的公共关系策略危机,以及客户纷纷抵制和电子商务平台下架杜嘉班纳之后,官方终于在周五公开致歉。

    Friday 's mea culpa comes after a week-long public relations debacle , where customers and e-commerce platforms called the fashion line out for a series of commercials featuring a Chinese woman trying to use chopsticks to eat various Italian foods .

  25. 你跟杜嘉.班纳是朋友吗

    You 're friends with Dolce & Gabbana ?

  26. 鲍伯:咱俩看球吧,中场休息的时候,我会回来告诉你,你穿杜嘉·班纳牌子的衣服有多漂亮。

    It 's very Bob : Tell you what , let us watch the game . During halftime , I 'll come back in and tell you how great you look in your Dolce & Gabbana .