
  • 网络Tulane;duran;durand;Duran Duran
  1. 杜兰,你知道。我不是那种人。

    Duran , you know . I 'm not that kind of girl .

  2. 嘿,杜兰,我有点烦了。我们出去做点有趣的事吧。

    Hey duran , I 'm getting antsy . let 's get out of this house and go do something interesting .

  3. 以杜兰(Dendrobiumnobile)茎尖为植物材料,研究了萘乙酸(NAA)、吲哚丁酸(IBA)和细胞分裂素(BA)等植物生长调节剂的不同浓度配比对杜兰繁殖系数和生根诱导的影响。

    Using the shoot tip tissue of Dendrobium nobile as material , the effect of various hormone concentration including NAA , IBA and BA on multiplication index and root inducing was studied .

  4. 澳大利亚交通安全局(AustralianTransportSafetyBureau)局长杜兰(MartinDolan)表示,进一步的分析有可能会导致搜寻区域再度发生改变,现阶段这种可能性不是很大,但也不能保证飞机残骸就在该区域内。

    ' It 's possible that further analysis may change [ the search area ] again , ' said Martin Dolan , chief commissioner of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau . ' At this stage we don 't expect significantly , but there are no guarantees in that area . '

  5. 中国国际问题研究所副研究员杜兰表示,局势仍在发展。

    Associate Research Fellow Du Lan with China Institute of International Studies says the situation is still developing .

  6. 军队指挥官说,他们在阿富汗东部重新训练所有阿富汗边防警察,并且沿着被称为杜兰线的一带建立165个新的哨卡。杜兰线是阿富汗的实际边界。

    Commanders say they are re-training all Afghan border police in eastern Afghanistan and building 165 new posts along the so-called Durand Line that serves as a de-facto border .