
  • 网络li tiaoyuan
  1. 李调元,罗江文星镇人,清代著名文学家、戏剧理论家、诗人。

    Li tiaoyuan , people of Wenxing town of luojiang , is a famous litterateur , a drama theoretician , and a poet of Qing dynasty .

  2. 在戏曲观念方面,李调元对什么是戏曲作了独特的理解。

    In the aspect of opera concept , Li has his distinctive understanding to the opera meaning .

  3. 引言从历史、社会和个人背景等方面,用戏曲的一般意识形态性质分析了李调元作《剧话》、《曲话》的缘由。

    The introductive part analyzes the writing purpose of the Ju Hua and the Qu Hua via its history , society and personal background by using general ideology and aesthetic ideology of drama .