
  1. 李茜和傅云开都不是小孩子。

    Neither Lee Qian nor Fu Yunkai is little kids !

  2. 尽管面临许多挑战,李茜还是对未来很乐观,对自己的工作也充满了激情。

    Despite the many challenges involved , Suzy is both optimistic about the future and enthusiastic about her work .

  3. 李茜的一个西班牙语伙伴参加了一个欧盟资助的中国-欧盟青年经理培训项目,是她最先向李茜灌输有关民办组织的概念。

    Suzy was first introduced to the idea of setting up an NGO by her Spanish language partner , a participant on another EU funded project , the recently concluded Junior Managers Training Programme .