
  • 网络Li Yi;LEE
  1. 该词起源于足球运动员李毅的百度贴吧(国内知名的BBS)。

    The word originated in the Baidu . com 's Tiebar ( a top Chinese bulletin board system ) of soccer player Li Yi .

  2. 北京市朝阳区人民法院发言人李毅(音译)说案件将于下星期一开庭。

    The case will open next Monday , said Yi Li , a Beijing Chaoyang People 's Court spokeswoman .

  3. 李毅酷爱英语,每逢星期天他都会花很多时间用英语和外国人交谈。

    Li Yi with foreigners in English on Sundays . a lot of time on it.11 o'clock last night .

  4. 李毅和女友已经在一起七年时间了,他们努力维持着彼此的感情。

    Having been together for seven years , Li and his girlfriend always tried to make their relationship work .

  5. 李毅是研究金砖国家中小企业电商项目的专家,他表示两国各有特点,可以实现相互帮助。

    Li Yi , the principal expert of an e-commerce project focused on small and medium enterprises from the BRICS nations , says the two countries each have unique traits and can help

  6. 李毅说:北京户口竟成了我们感情的负担,我女朋友说北京户口意味着我可以有一个稳定光明的前程,而没有北京户口的她只能另走他路。

    My chance of getting a Beijing hukou was a burden on our relationship , Li says . My girlfriend told me that a hukou means a stable and promising future for me , but without it she has to go her separate way .

  7. 25岁的李毅(音译)就读于北京交通大学交通运输工程系,当他看着女友发来的分手短信时,感觉自己心碎一地,这给他本已喜忧参半的毕业季又平添了几许凄凉。

    Li Yi felt his heart breaking into pieces . The 25-year-old traffic engineering major at Beijing Jiaotong University stared at the text message from his girlfriend , who had just broken up with him . It made his already bittersweet graduation even more painful .