
  • Li Man;【人名】Man Li
  1. 泰特萨在博物馆的同事、纽约市立大学李曼学院(LehmanCollegeoftheCityUniversityofNewYork)教授埃里克·戴尔森(EricDelson)也对这项研究十分激赏,说这是“伯杰再次出手!”

    A colleague of Dr. Tattersall 's at the museum , Eric Delson , who also is a professor at Lehman College of the City University of New York , was also impressed , saying , " Berger does it again ! "

  2. 这块化石与此前的预言吻合,这在我们这个学科领域,是少有的,纽约市立大学李曼学院的古人类学家埃里克·戴尔森(EricDelson)说。

    This fossil fits previous predictions , said Eric Delson , a paleoanthropologist at Lehman College of the City University of New York , which is a nice rarity in our field .

  3. 李曼兄弟证券已招致损失数十亿美元的在美国的按揭市场。

    Lehman had incurred losses of billions of dollars in the US mortgage market .

  4. 李曼垮台之后,危机的潜在可能性已随之转成现实性,这时,形势完全变了个模样。

    After Lehman collapsed and the potential for crisis had become a reality , the situation was completely altered .

  5. 当入伍时,汤米-李曼是肯塔基州的一名加油站工人。

    Tommy Rieman was a teenager pumping gas in Independence , Kentucky , when he enlisted in the United States Army .