
  1. 镶嵌在AlN基体中的Cu颗粒常常表现出呈李晶关系的片层状显微组织。

    In general , the Cu particles embedded in AlN matrix have a microstructure characterized by twin-related lamella .

  2. 香港摩根大通中国证券市场主席李晶(JingUlrich)说:

    Jing Ulrich is chairwoman of China equities and commodities at the investment bank JP Morgan in Hong Kong .

  3. 摩根大通证券(jpmorgansecurities)驻香港的中国证券市场部主席李晶(jingulrich)表示:“深圳面临被边缘化的潜在风险。”

    Jing Ulrich , chairman of China equities at JPMorgan securities in Hong Kong , says : " there is a potential risk of Shenzhen becoming marginalised . "

  4. 李晶指出,目前已推出了4只合格境内机构投资者(qdii)基金,还有两只基金正在酝酿之中。

    MS Ulrich notes that four qualified domestic institutional investor ( QDII ) funds have been launched with two more in the pipeline .

  5. 摩根大通董事总经理兼中国证券市场部总监李晶(JingUlrich)表示,她预计5%的收入税将逐步取消。

    Jing Ulrich , JPMorgan managing director and China equities chair , said she expected the 5 per cent revenue tax to be gradually phased out .

  6. “北京承受不了住房市场崩溃,”JP摩根中国市场部主管李晶最近在写给投资者的信函中提到。

    " Beijing cannot afford a collapse in the housing market ," wrote Jing Ulrich , chairman of China equities for JPMorgan , in a recent note to investors .

  7. 早期投资中国内地股票的基金经理,包括现任摩根大通(jpmorgan)中国证券市场部主席的李晶(jingulrich),对透明度、流动性以及管理问责制度感到担忧。

    Fund managers in those early days of mainland equities - including Jing Ulrich , now head of China equities and commodities at JPMorgan - had concerns about transparency , liquidity and management accountability .

  8. 摩根大通(jpmorgan)中国证券市场部董事总经理李晶(jingulrich)表示,如果一家中国企业希望筹集大量资金,香港仍是一个非常具有吸引力的选择。

    Jing Ulrich , managing director for China equities at JPMorgan , says that if a Chinese company wants to raise large amounts of funds , Hong Kong is still a highly attractive exchange .

  9. 摩根大通(jpmorgan)驻香港的李晶(jingulrich)认为,由于耕地面积减少和水资源短缺等问题,中国农产品价格上涨已成为“结构性”问题,而非周期性问题。

    Jing Ulrich , of JPMorgan in Hong Kong , believes higher farm prices in China have become " structural " rather than cyclical because of declining stocks of arable land and water problems .

  10. 李晶(JingUlrich)是摩根大通董事总经理兼中国证券市场主席。她说,经济刺激方案帮助推动了中国这个世界第三大经济体的发展。

    Jing Ulrich , the managing director and chairman of China equities for the investment bank JP Morgan in Hong Kong , says the stimulus program helped jumpstart the world 's third-largest economy .

  11. 摩根大通中国证券主席李晶(JingUlrich)表示,加息可能只会加剧投机“热钱”从海外流入。

    A rate hike would likely only increase the flow of speculative " hot money " into the country from abroad , says Jing Ulrich , chairman of China equities at JP Morgan .

  12. 最近中国的一些新股发行定价偏高,使得首个交易日上涨空间有限,摩根大通中国证券市场部董事总经理兼主席李晶(JingUlrich)表示。

    Some recent Chinese IPOs have been valued on the high side , leaving more limited room for first-day gains , said Jing Ulrich , managing director and chairman of China equities and commodities at JPMorgan .

  13. 随着企业收益提高和新股发行量增加,A股的估值水平可能逐渐会变得适中,而QDII和港股直通车计划将为H股价格的持续调整提供支撑,李晶表示。

    A-share valuations are likely to moderate over time as earnings rise and new share supply is increased , while the QDII and through-train programmes will support a continued re-rating in H-share prices , Ms Ulrich says .

  14. 摩根大通(jpmorgan)驻香港的中国证券市场部主席李晶(jingulrich)表示,今年上海股价54%的跌幅,已使估值水平比美国企业更具吸引力。

    The fall of 54 per cent in Shanghai share prices this year has taken valuations to much more attractive levels that compare with companies in the US , according to Jing Ulrich , head of China equities at JPMorgan in Hong Kong .

  15. 中国内地股市受完全不同的动力所驱动,其特点是散户占较大比例。在今年遭受巨大损失后,散户已变得十分谨慎。摩根大通(JPMorgan)中国证券市场部主席李晶(JingUlrich)表示。

    China 's domestic stock market is driven by a rather different dynamic and is characterized by a higher proportion of retail investors , who have turned very cautious after enduring heavy losses this year , said Jing Ulrich , chairman of China equities at JPMorgan .

  16. 李晶:中资银行正计划向海外扩张。

    Jing Ulrich : Chinese banks are aiming to expand overseas .

  17. 李萍和李晶看上去一样。

    Li Ping and Li Jing look the same .

  18. 李晶表示,9月份新住宅开工数量大幅反弹,对未来几个月是很好的预兆。

    MS Ulrich said a sharp rebound in new housing starts in September boded well for the months ahead .

  19. 李晶表示,随着经济增长放缓,政府的首要任务正向着保持增长和就业方面倾斜。

    MS Ulrich says that , as the economy moderates , official priorities are tilting towards maintaining growth and employment .

  20. 李晶表示,投资者目前正在估量外部经济放缓、通胀率提高和原材料成本上涨的影响。

    She says investors are now weighing up the impact of the external slowdown , elevated inflation and rising raw material costs .

  21. 李晶指出,情况已“大幅”改善,但她仍对经济增长与股市成功的关联持谨慎态度。

    She notes that things have improved " dramatically " but remains cautious about the link between economic growth and stock market success .

  22. 李晶表示,有关价格管制的讨论让她想起了2008年,当时,中国对食品价格进行了控制,为煤炭价格设定了上限,并推迟了电费调整。

    Ms Ulrich says talk of price controls recalls 2008 , when China controlled food prices , capped coal costs and delayed power tariff adjustments .

  23. 就读于中国青年政治学院的李晶(音译)就是其中的一员。她说自己经常会在网上团购电影票,此外,她还经常上网搜罗各种国际品牌化妆品的团购信息。

    Li Jing , a student at the Beijing-based China Youth University for Political Sciences , for example , says she often buys movie tickets on team-buying websites .

  24. 李晶表示,随着成本通胀和外部经济放缓,表现最佳的行业将是那些受益于国内需求并能获得上游资源的部门。

    With cost inflation and an external slowdown , Ms Ulrich believes the best-performing sectors will be those that benefit from domestic demand and access to upstream resources .

  25. 李晶表示,新股估值(基于2009年预期市盈率)似乎也在向与大盘指数更加一致的水平靠拢。

    MS Ulrich said valuations of new shares based on 2009 estimated price-to-earnings ratios also appeared to be moderating to levels more in line with the broader index .

  26. 但李晶指出,同时在两地上市的公司a股和h股之间的价差已大幅缩小。

    But Ms Ulrich notes that the gap between the Shanghai " a " shares and Hong Kong " H " shares of dual-listed companies has narrowed considerably .

  27. 李晶表示:发行债券的公司都将是这些国有银行的大型企业客户,因为从债券市场上融资的成本要比从银行贷款低得多。

    It will be the banks ' large corporate clients that issue bonds because it is so much cheaper to borrow from the bond market than the banks , Ms Ulrich said .

  28. 李晶回忆道,最近她访问了三亚,这个中国旅游城市正陷于楼市狂热,一名投机者告诉她:我们中国人买涨杀跌。

    Ms Ulrich recalled a recent visit to Sanya , a Chinese resort city in the grip of a property frenzy , where a speculator advised her that we Chinese buy the rise and sell the fall .

  29. 摩根大通的李晶认为,内地与香港股市之间的套利机会,更有可能是通过机构投资者配额和允许内地投资者买卖港股的港股直通车计划来实现。

    At JPMorgan , Ms Ulrich argues arbitrage opportunities between China and Hong Kong 's exchanges are more likely to evolve through institutional investor quotas and a through-train scheme that will allow Chinese people to buy and sell shares in Hong Kong .

  30. 虽然团购网站能提供省钱的机会,但李晶也表示自己在网购前会做到“三思而后行”,因为购物网站良莠不齐,“有点混乱”,企图鱼目混珠,以次充好。

    But while they offer a good opportunity to save money , Li said she would " think twice before buying them from online stores " because many of them were " a bit chaotic , " and had fake goods mixed among them .