
  1. 就读于河北经贸大学的李晓明并非唯一一个这样想的人。

    Li , a student at Hebei University of Economics & Business is not the only one who feels this way .

  2. 22岁的李晓明(音译)是计算机专业的一名大四学生,他敢于在工作面试中提出各种各样的问题。

    Li Xiaoming , 22 , a senior computer science major , dares to ask all sorts of questions in a job interview .

  3. 被告李晓明辩称,原告隐瞒已婚的事实与被告同居,女儿出生前几天原告才与前夫离婚。

    The respondent defended that the plaintiff lived with him but purposely hid the fact that she was married and she didn 't divorce until several days before their daughter was born .