
  • 网络xin
  1. 李昕:你能向我刊读者简要介绍一下贵校吗?

    Li xin : could you briefly introduce your university to our readers ?

  2. 晚会上中国之队的水手和形象大使李昕代表中国之队被授予年度最具风格体育团队奖。

    At this event , Xin li , the woman ambassador for the China team , who along with the Chinese sailors received the " sport " award and a handsome trophy .

  3. 百度首席财务长李昕(JenniferLi)说公司将继续重点发展它在中国搜索技术的核心强项。

    Chief Financial Officer Jennifer Li said the company will continue focusing on its'core strengths in Chinese search technology .

  4. 为菲利普莫里斯找到李昕的猎头公司mwmconsulting的伊恩布切尔(ianbutcher)表示,菲利普莫里斯希望这位新董事可以发挥“桥梁”作用,增进其对中国市场的了解。

    Philip Morris hoped the new board member could act as a " bridge " to China in contributing her understanding of this market , said Ian butcher of MWM consulting , the executive search firm that helped find her .

  5. 李昕:中国加入世贸之后,掌握一门外语,比如英语,显得越来越重要了,特别是对年轻人。

    British Cultural Counsellor Michael O'Sullivan on IELTS Test and MBA Li Xin : With China 's WTO accession , mastering a foreign language , i.e. , English , is becoming more and more essential especially for the young people .