
  • 网络ROBIN;robin li;Robin Lee
  1. BusinessInsider网站日前盘点了全球科技行业最有影响力的20位大佬,马云、马化腾和李彦宏等中国企业家榜上有名。

    Business Insider recently released its list of the most powerful people in the tech world . Chinese innoavtors like Jack Ma , Ma Huateng and Robin Li are on the list .

  2. 他们包括知名企业家李彦宏,百度公司的CEO,毕业于北京大学,还有张朝阳,搜狐公司的CEO,毕业于清华大学。

    They include big-name entrepreneurs like Robin Li , chief executive of Baidu Inc. , a graduate of Peking University , and Charles Zhang , CEO of Sohu.com Inc. of Tsinghua .

  3. 福布斯编辑RussellFlannery表示,李彦宏的成功象征着中国正在发生的变化。

    Forbes editor Russell Flannery says Li 's success symbolizes the changes going on in China .

  4. 今年2月,百度CEO李彦宏和爱奇艺CEO龚宇领导的投资集团计划收购百度持有的爱奇艺80.5%的股份,估值为28亿美元。

    An investor group led by Baidu CEO Robin Li and iQiyi CEO Gong Yu offered in February to acquire Baidu 's 80.5 percent stake in a deal that valued at $ 2.8 billion .

  5. 百度(BaiduInc.)首席执行长李彦宏因公司收益大幅上升而排名第三。百度二季度利润同比增长了70%。

    Baidu Inc. Chief Executive Robin Li earned the No. 3 spot through earnings , in which his company saw second-quarter profit grow 70 % from a year earlier .

  6. 百度(BaiduInc.)首席执行长李彦宏加入了中国政府顾问和银行业管理人士的行列,呼吁加强对国内快速增长的互联网金融行业的监管。

    Baidu Inc. Chief Executive Robin Li has joined the chorus of Chinese government advisers and banking executives calling for more regulation of the country 's quickly growing Internet finance industry .

  7. 百度董事长李彦宏(RobinLi)6月份宣布,未来三年将向百度糯米(BaiduNuomi)投资200亿元人民币(约合32亿美元),以提升百度在移动端的业绩。百度糯米是百度旗下类似Groupon的团购网站。

    Robin Li , Baidu 's chairman , announced in June a Rmb20bn ( $ 3.2bn ) investment over three years in Baidu Nuomi , its Groupon-like marketplace , to lift its performance in mobile .

  8. 的李彦宏,还有智能手机制造商小米(Xiaomi)的雷军。尽管沈南鹏主要以投资闻名,但他也是一名互联网创业家,他是做得非常成功的中国旅游网站携程网(Ctrip)的创始人之一。

    And , while Shen is now primarily known as an investor , he , too - as one of the founders of Ctrip , the hugely successful Chinese travel website - was an internet entrepreneur .

  9. 这样的结果对李彦宏而言是一个打击。

    It was a big blow to Li at that time .

  10. 几乎我们说应该做的,李彦宏都不同意。

    Nearly everything we said he should do , Robin disagreed .

  11. 2月,李彦宏发出对爱奇艺的非约束性要约。

    In February , Mr Li made a non-binding offer for iQiyi .

  12. 李彦宏在搜索领域是一个真正的信徒。

    Li was already a true believer in search .

  13. 高考对于李彦宏来说并没有什么难度。

    The Gaokao for Li was quite easy .

  14. 他表示:李彦宏和马克认识已经有一段时间了。

    Robin and Mark have known each other for a while , he said .

  15. 李彦宏最大的拥护者是他美国的投资者。

    Li 's biggest boosters are his U.

  16. 李彦宏是中国互联网企业家,也是百度搜索引擎的创始人之一。

    Robin Li is a Chinese Internet entrepreneur and a co-founder of search engine Baidu .

  17. 李彦宏和同伴在宾馆租了两个房间作为办公室,加上他,公司总共只有8个人。

    Li and his partners , 8 people totally , rented two rooms as offices in a hotel .

  18. 在美国读研究生时,李彦宏报名参加了学校的一个研究小组。

    When Li was studying his postgraduate in America , he registered for a research group in his school .

  19. 在日前举行的中国IT领袖峰会,李彦宏这样说道。

    The China that held a few days ago IT cacique peak is met , li Yan grand such say .

  20. 李彦宏说:当再过12个月我们回头来看的时候,我们会为进行了这次转换而感到高兴。

    Twelve months from now , when we look back we will be happy with the switch , he said .

  21. 尽管可能不是有心刺伤李彦宏,但教授的问题让他的心里特别难受,中国这么大的一个国家。

    Although the professor did not mean to hurt Li purposely , his question did cast blow to his heart .

  22. 经过一个有政府背景的行业组织的调解后,这场争斗导致两家公司签定了一份公平竞争的自律公约,同时也将低调的李彦宏推上了中国商界风云榜的榜首位置。

    The fight led to the two companies signing a fair-play code of conduct following intervention from a government-backed industry group

  23. 中国出生,接受美国教育的百度联合创办人——李彦宏只有42岁就已经是中国最有钱的人之一。

    Robin Li , Baidu 's Chinese-born , American-educated co-founder , is only 42 but one of China 's richest men .

  24. 李彦宏表示,此举连同中国经济放缓,共同导致了收入增长的放慢。

    Mr Li said this , coupled with the slowdown in the Chinese economy , had resulted in slower revenue growth .

  25. 李彦宏发现,在这里有许多自己在家乡根本看不到的计算机书籍。

    He found that there were a wealth of computer books that could by no means be spotted in his hometown .

  26. 随后李彦宏出国留学,在国外求学期间遇到了最重要的人生伴侣——他的妻子。

    Li then went abroad . He met his most important partner - his wife - while studying abroad . Pony Ma

  27. 高中一年级时,李彦宏在计算机方面的技能比其他同学强。

    When Li was in grade one in senior middle school , he demonstrated superior talent in computer skills than other students .

  28. 对于百度期待何时将其移动用户变成收入来源的问题,该公司也很少透露——李彦宏说,这事不急。

    There was also little guidance on when Baidu expected to monetize its mobile users-Mr. Li said there would be no rush .

  29. 我们的业务更集中,我们只做一件事,那就是中文搜索,李彦宏当时表示。

    We are a much more focused company : we only do one thing , which is Chinese search , Mr Li said then .

  30. 截至2017年10月,李彦宏的净资产为185亿美元(约合1184亿元人民币),他也是中国最富有的人之一。

    He is also one of the richest people in China , with a net worth of US $ 18.5 billion as of October 2017 .