- 网络LEE Kang-Sheng;LEE Kang Sheng;Kang-sheng Lee

In a tiny fraction of the time it takes for Mr. Lee to finish off that cabbage , Vivien Leigh conveys the same desperation .
Because Mr. Lee 's character has none of her gumption , it 's hard not to feel a twinge of contempt for his lachrymose self-pity .
In the longest monologue , Mr. Lee , tears welling in his eyes , recites a Southern Song dynasty poem that distills the film 's fatalistic mood :
In the story , such as it is , Mr. Lee 's character slowly loses all hope as he drags his children and a female partner ( played by three actresses ) around the muddy fringes of Taipei .
Beginning with the cabbage scene , the momentum grinds to a halt . It concludes with a static 12-minute shot of Mr. Lee and his distraught partner gazing off into space as a single tear trickles down her expressionless face .
Living on the outskirts of Taipei , where he earns a subsistence wage holding up real estate placards at a crowded intersection in the wind and rain , the unnamed character ( Lee Kang-sheng , the director 's regular leading man ) arrives at the dingy , abandoned apartment where he squats with his two children .