
  • Li Jiaxin;【人名】Michele Monique Reis
  1. 他将自己的设计风格归结为“奢华的简约”(extravagantsimplicity),张曼玉、杨紫琼、巩俐、梅艳芳、李嘉欣、刘嘉玲和舒淇等众多明星都是他的客户。

    With a design style that he calls " extravagant simplicy ," Cheng boasts customers such as Maggie Cheung , Michelle Yeoh , Gong Li , Anita Mui , Michelle Reis , Carina Lau and Shu Qi .

  2. 不要再想你这辈子必须找个张柏芝或李嘉欣,因为你不是周润发。

    Cheung or Michelle Reis , because you are not Chow Yun-fat .

  3. 香港某周刊称,李嘉欣已成功怀孕三个月。

    Hong Kong some weekly said that Li Jiaxin has succeeded is pregnant for three months .

  4. 你看,李嘉欣的中文名字和加薪的发音一样。

    You see , the Chinese name of MicheleLee has the same pronunciation of pay raise .

  5. 而站台现场,李嘉欣脚踩一双平底鞋现身,一改往日习惯,让人怀疑其已有孕在身。

    And in the show , Michele changed her habit , wore a flattie not high-heeled shoes , it seemed that she was already pregnant .

  6. 香港某周刊称,李嘉欣之所以如此小心,皆因她原来已成功怀孕三个月。

    Hong Kong some weekly said that the reason that Li Jiaxin so careful , all because she original has succeeded is pregnant for three months .

  7. 许晋亨与李嘉欣夫妇首次同时现身沪上,26日李嘉欣受邀为某品牌卫浴上海站台。

    Julian Hui and Michele Lee appeared in Shanghai together for the first time , in26th , Michele was invited to attend a show for a famous bathroom brand .

  8. 据该周刊证实,一直希望生儿育女的李嘉欣,早前终于成功怀孕,许家上下都感到非常雀跃。

    According to this weekly confirmed that has hoped bears children Li Jiaxin , finally is early successful is pregnant , permits the family to feel up and down jumps for joy .

  9. 许家上下都非常雀跃,更重要是成功怀孕,令李嘉欣与婆婆关系转趋良好,上上下下都积极准备迎接小生命的来临。

    Permits the family high and low to jump for joy , more important is the success is pregnant , makes Li Jiaxin and mother-in-law relates turns good , positively prepares to greet the small life oncoming .