
  • 网络Lee Woon-Jae
  1. 韩国门将李云在人称“蜘蛛手”,站在门前就像给球门拉了一张网。

    South Korea 's goalkeeper Lee Woon-Jae is nicknamed'Spider Hands ' for his skills in the net .

  2. 杨昊接过韩国防守罚球区的失误发球并将球传给郜林,郜林绕过了韩国守门员李云在进球,在比赛进行到28分钟的时候将比分拉到2比0。

    Yang Hao held up a mis-directed pass from the South Korean defender out side the box and pass the ball to Gao Lin , who beat keeper Lee Woon-Jae to extend China 's lead to2-0 in the28th minute .