
  • 网络equity risk;interest risk
  1. 根据不同主体在金融市场中扮演不同经济角色、承担不同风险的事实,提出了基于不同经济角色的风险划分&权益风险与债权风险。

    Based on the fact of that different actors in financial markets are acting differently and have different roles , Financial Risk can be classified into Equity Risk and Risk of Creditors Rights .

  2. 但长期而言,就股东权益风险及长期持有股票风险均有明显下降的趋势。

    But says for a long time , the shareholder rights and interests risk and the stock holding risk has the obvious drop in the long-run risk tendency .

  3. 在金融危机中,作为公司所有者的股东尤其是中小股东无疑是最大的受害者之一,如何降低股东权益风险,维护股东利益,成为实务界和学术界亟待解决的重要问题。

    As owners of corporations , shareholders particularly the small and medium shareholders are the biggest victims in this financial crisis . How to reduce the risk of SRI and protect SRI is a problem facing by practical realm and academic researchers .

  4. 实证结果发现,公司宣告策略联盟后三年对股东权益风险有显著降低的趋势,同时与整体产业相比较,股东权益报酬率高于整体产业水平。

    The empirical result discovered that , three years after the company announced the strategy alliance , the shareholder rights of risk were significantly reduced . Simultaneously industry compared with the whole , the shareholder rights and interests reward rate is higher than the whole industry level .

  5. 文章的创新点在于提出了股东权益风险的概念,并将信息披露质量和现金股利支付率作为衡量股东权益风险的代理变量,对董事会治理与股东权益风险的关系进行实证分析。

    The innovation of the paper is to raise the definition of risk of SRI , and use the quality of information disclosure and cash dividend payout ratio to measure the risk of SRI , and conduct an empirical research on the relationship between board governance and risk of SRI .

  6. 假设资金雄厚的银行最初希望偿还一半的Tarp资金,而较脆弱银行将有形普通股权益与风险加权资产的比率提高到4%至5%,高盛(GoldmanSachs)估计还需要再筹集1300亿美元的资金。

    Assuming strong banks initially want to pay back half their Tarp capital , while weaker banks raise their tangible common equity to risk-weighted asset ratios to between 4 and 5 per cent , Goldman Sachs reckons about $ 130bn of additional capital is needed .

  7. 企业权益筹资风险评估研究

    Appraisal Research on Enterprise 's Rights and Interests Fund Raising Risk

  8. 这种理论导致企业管理者只重视负债筹资风险而忽视了权益筹资风险。

    This kind of theory causes the superintendents only put emphasis on debt fund raising risk and neglect rights and interests fund raising risk .

  9. 这种现状导致相同案件得到不同的处理结果,影响了法律规范及其适用的权威性、统一性和公平性,增加了侵犯公民合法权益的风险。

    This situation causes different results for the same cases , undermining the judicial authority , integrity and fairness , inevitably violating the legal rights of citizens .

  10. 显然,这种司法模糊的局面,对我国法律的权威性及法制的统一性造成了严重的影响,也势必给相关主体准确预计自己的权益和风险增加了困难。

    Obviously , this kind of judicial chaos affected the unity and authority of our legal system , and also increased the difficulties of accurately predicting rights and risks .

  11. 但是由于传统计划生育管理模式与服务观念的影响,计生机构主要关注已婚育龄妇女的权益和风险,未婚、更年期女性和男性的生殖健康服务仍然存在欠缺。

    With the influence of traditional management modes and service concepts , the rights and risk of bearing - aged women are more focused , Whereas reproductive health services for unmarried female , menopausal female and male still have defects .

  12. 第二部分以期房按揭模式风险分担机制为切入点,分析开发商、银行、个人之间权益和风险出现的严重失衡,并进而揭示其产生原因和危害。

    The second part takes the risk sharing mechanism of forward house mortgage pattern as the breakthrough point , analyses the serious imbalance of rights and interests appears among developers , banks and individuals , and then reveals its reason and harm .

  13. 作为一种新型融资手段的应收账款证券化,需要构建一个特设目的实体SPV,用以受让应收账款并单独对证券持有人承担风险,而不受原始权益人破产风险的影响。

    Receivables securitization needs a special purpose vehicle ( SPV ) for assigning account receivables and bearing risk for investors of the securities , and preventing the creditor from the bankruptcy remote .

  14. 英国的非公开权益资本和风险投资

    Development of Private Equity and Venture Capital in UK

  15. 为了达到隔离原始权益人破产风险的目的,法律要求应收账款转让必须采取真实出售的形式。

    Laws require that the assignment of the assets should be a true sale for this purpose .

  16. 不同的交易模式,可能形成不同的权益结构与风险结构,也就要求有不同的合作对价安排。

    Different trading patterns may form a various structure and risk structure and it also requires different price arrangements .

  17. 我国证券非公开发行制度初探英国的非公开权益资本和风险投资

    Research on Regulating of Non-public Offering of Securities in China Development of Private Equity and Venture Capital in UK

  18. 同时考虑到风险资本的权益性,风险投资机构为降低风险,对风险资本也进行了投资方式的组合。

    Considering the right attribute of the venture capital , the venture capital company also portfolios the venture capital in order to reduce the risk simultaneously .

  19. 基于极值理论的国际权益资产组合下侧风险测量

    International Equity Markets Portfolio Downside Risk Measured by Extreme Value Theory Methods

  20. 农业类上市公司权益融资的道德风险解释&基于代理成本理论的企业经营者行为分析

    Discussion on the Moral Risk of Equity Financing of Agriculture Listed Company

  21. 但根据权益类资产的风险收益特性,适度权益资产配置可以显著改善寿险组合的收益状况。

    However , due to the risk-return feature of equity assets , proper equity allocation can significantly improve yield of the whole portfolio .

  22. 我国的产品责任法制建设起步较晚,产品责任保险制度存在很多缺陷和不足,致使我国产品责任保险的覆盖面小、发展相对滞后,在保护消费者权益以及分散生产者风险方面仍处于被动状态。

    Product liability legal system in China is relatively backward in the protection of the interests of consumers and producers spread risk is still in a passive state .

  23. 实施工伤保险制度,对于保障劳动者合法权益、分散工伤风险、促进企业安全生产和维护社会稳定都起着非常重要的作用。

    The carry out of work-related injury insurance has important significance to the protection of workers ' legal rights , the dispersion of employment injury risks and the promotion of safe production and social stability .

  24. 在发达国家,非正式权益资本市场,风险投资体系和二板市场的发展,在很大程度上缓解了中小企业的权益资本融资缺口。

    Currently , in informal interests-and-right capital market of developed countries , the development of risk investment system and " second park market " has , to great degree , alleviated the " gap of interests-and-right capital financing " .

  25. 责任保险在维护公民合法权益、分散责任风险、完善社会管理机制、增强公众社会责任感等方面对促进和谐社会的构建具有重要意义。

    Liability insurance plays an important role in helping to promote the construction of the harmonious society by safeguarding citizens rights and interests , spreading liability risks , perfecting social management mechanism , strengthening public sense of social responsibility , etc.

  26. 我国当今社会存在诸多的缺陷产品侵权事件,社会大众的人身财产权益时刻面临着风险,因此,我国建立产品责任惩罚性赔偿的意义是重大的。

    Nowadays , there are many violations of the defective products in China . The rights and interests of the community always are at risk . Therefore , it is significant to establish a system of Punitive Damages for product liability .

  27. 然而,由于理论准备的不足加上按揭制度本身纷繁复杂导致按揭参与各方权益不清晰、风险设计失衡,实务中按揭纠纷和按揭风险便大量涌现出来。

    However , the participating parties ' rights and interests are unclear , the risk design is unbalanced , and the mortgage conflicts and risks are emerging at a large scale because of both insufficient preparations for the mortgage theory and the complexity of mortgage system in itself .