
  1. 通过将信托收据与质押权书、动产设备信托及让与担保等相关信托收据法律制度研究中文提要法律制度进行比较,阐明信托收据在市场经济中的价值。

    By the comparison of the trust receipt with some other legal systems such as the letter of hypothecation , the trust of movable equipments and the transfer of property 's ownership for guarantee etc. , the part explains the value of the trust receipt in the market economy .

  2. 只在香港拥有居留权声明书

    Declaration of having right of abode in Hong Kong only

  3. 这种保险应命卖方及其分包商为附加的被保险人,并且必须包括一份以卖方及其承包商为受益人的代位追偿权弃权书。(请指正)

    The insurances shall name SELLER and its subcontractors as additional insured and will include a waiver of subrogation in favour of SELLER and its subcontractors .

  4. 关于第85号购货确认书,请尽快装船。购买股票的选择权和认股书

    With regard to purchase confirmation no. 85 , please ship the goods as soon as possible . options and warrants

  5. 男性捐赠者还必须签署一份放弃对孩子探视权的声明书。

    The men will also be required to sign a legal waiver of their rights to access to the child .

  6. 当事人不服人民法院第一审裁定的,有权在裁定书送达之日起十日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。

    If a party refuses to accept an order of first instance by a people 's court , he shall have the right to file an appeal with the people 's court at the next higher level within 10 days of the serving of the written order .

  7. 本公司具有独家代理权,自协议书生效日期起为期三年。

    We operate as Sole Agents for a period of three years from the date of agreement .

  8. 医师的告知义务和患者的知情同意权签署麻醉同意书应注意的知情同意问题

    The Physician s Apprize Duty and the Patients Rights to Know ; Problems concerning Informed Consent While Signing the Informed Consent Form for Anesthesia

  9. 侵犯专利权是指未经专利权人许可而实施其专利,即被控侵权的产品或方法以字面或同等的方式体现了专利权权利要求书中所记载的技术方案。

    Patent infringement is to implement the patent without the authorization , namely , the technical program recorded in the patent claims is reflected by the product or method accused of infringement in a literal or equivalent means .