
  1. M.K.有着强大的异域世界力量,他一旦被划伤,这种力量就会爆发出来(而且他醒来后根本不记得自己杀过多少人)。

    M.K. possesses otherworldly powers of badassedness that emerge from him when his skin is cut ( and he wakes up not knowing how many people he 's destroyed ) .

  2. 那么你其实没有杀过袋鼠,是吗?

    So you don 't really shoot kangaroos , do you ?

  3. 你的双手在颤抖,从未杀过任何人。

    Your hands are shaking . You 've never killed anyone .

  4. 战后以来,我还没有杀过任何人呢。

    I have not had to kill anybody since the war .

  5. 你也杀过手里抱着孩子的孕妇?

    You killed a pregnant woman who was holding a child ?

  6. 别忘了我已经杀过你一次了

    Because let 's not forget . I already killed you once .

  7. 我杀人无数,但没杀过祭司。

    I 've killed men in five countries , never a priest .

  8. 你杀过多少行尸?艾迪把它们都杀了。

    How many walkers have you killed ? Eddie killed them all .

  9. 我们没杀过大卫。以根。

    We didn 't kill David Egan on the road that night .

  10. 你杀过多少活人。只有我。

    How many people have you killed ? Just me .

  11. 杀过多少父子兄弟和为人丈夫者?

    How many sons and fathers and brothers and husbands ?

  12. 不过你有杀过一个以色列的人质么?

    But did you shoot any of the Israeli hostages ?

  13. 即使他只杀过一个人也会让我很吃惊。

    I 'd be very surprised if he even killed one person .

  14. 恐怕你几个小时前就被人杀过了

    I 'm afraid you 've already been killed several hours ago .

  15. 他可能杀过什么人,好吗?

    So he may have killed someone , okay ?

  16. 你说你杀过多少人?

    How many kills did you say you had ?

  17. 你有杀过印地安人吗?

    Have you ever killed any red lndians ?

  18. 那个女孩没有杀过那些孩子们。

    That girl didn 't kill those kids .

  19. 你什么人也没杀过。

    You ain 't never kimmed no one .

  20. 现在戴比撞死的动物比你杀过的还要多。

    And so far debbie 's car has killed more animals than you have .

  21. 如果你指的是有人丧命,我没杀过任何人

    I haven 't killed anyone , if that 's what you 're asking .

  22. 甘道夫这辈子一定杀过上百只龙。

    Gandalf will have killed hundreds of dragons .

  23. 事实上我还没杀过外国老!

    Guess I never actually killed a gringo !

  24. 我也没有杀过一个人。

    I 've never killed one , either .

  25. 今晚之前我从没杀过一个人。

    I never killed a man before tonight .

  26. 你杀过几只龙?-

    How many dragons have you killed ? -

  27. 老天你到底杀过多少只宠物就这两只

    My God . How many pets have you killed ? Just the two .

  28. 我没杀过任何人

    I didn 't kill no one !

  29. 之前你曾杀过我们两次。

    You 've killed us twice before .

  30. 他还杀过女人?

    That he used to kill women ?