
shā jué
  • exterminate
杀绝[shā jué]
  1. 你是说,我们没杀绝他们?

    You mean we didn 't kill them all ?

  2. 直到把当地的狐狸都捕尽杀绝,这些农民们才会满意。

    The farmers will not be satisfied till all the local foxes have been hunted down .

  3. 消除交通事故所造成的伤亡,无疑是一个很好的目标,但是将所有的汽车赶尽“杀”绝却是一个荒唐的主意。

    The elimination of deaths caused by traffic accidents is unquestionably a creditable goal , yet the elimination of all automobiles is a ludicrous proposition .