
As the accelerating speed of CPU operation , traditional mechanical hard disk which is reading and writing slowly have become the bottleneck of compute , which result in the development of solid state disk .
Solid State Disk , compared with Hard Drive Disk , has a low delay , low energy consumption , high through-put , high bandwidth , and many other advantages .
A well-designed NAND / DRAM combination brings SSD-like performance to a system at little or no price increase over a standard system based on the conventional DRAM-plus-HDD platform .
Despite the growing adoption of Solid State Drives , traditional hard drives are still used as the primary means of storage due to their high capacities and low costs .
A micro-rotating machinery such as hard disk drive ( HDD ) requires high efficiency and robust dynamics in high operating speed .
Applying AMB to the support of HDD ( hard disk drive ), which can avoid the contact of bearing and HDD rotor , it has a lot of advantages in comparison with other bearing types .
It is a kind of storage device using semiconductor device as storage medium . Without the mechanical structure of traditional hard disk , it becomes much faster .