
  • 网络Robot competition;robot contest;Robokon;ABU Robocon;WRO
  1. 基于机器人竞赛的大学生创新素质培养与实践

    Exploration And Practice of Innovation Quality Cultivation for College Students Based on Robot Contest

  2. 最后探讨了机器人竞赛对本科教育所产生的冲击和影响。

    At the end , the impact and effect on college student education created by robot contest is discussed .

  3. 今年15岁,是学校新生第FIRST一机器人竞赛小级的建材统筹者。此小组赢得了区域奖,并且把一群不可能在一起的年青人带到了中西部一周。

    Castro , 15 , was the building manager for his school 's rookie FIRST Robotics Competition team , which won a regional award and catapulted an unlikely mix of Latino kids to the Midwest for a week .

  4. 机器人竞赛已经成为教育领域的主食。

    Robotics competitions have become a staple of the educational arena .

  5. 约14000位专业顾问辅导年轻人,并在机器人竞赛中给予协助。

    Some 14,000 professionals mentor kids and help them in robotics competitions .

  6. FIRA'2001全自主式机器人竞赛系统

    The Autonomous Robot Competition of FIRA '2001

  7. 参加机器人竞赛。

    Join a robot competition .

  8. 安全是亚广联机器人竞赛可持续发展的一个重要因素。

    Safety is one of the most important elements in the sustainable development of the ABU ROBOCON .

  9. 在足球机器人竞赛过程中,路径规划是其极为重要的一个组成部分。

    In the process of robot soccer competition , path planning is one of the important component parts .

  10. 中国青少年机器人竞赛活动是中国科协主办的面向21世纪青少年的系列科技创新活动之一。

    China Adolescent Robotics Competition is one of the series of scientific innovation activities launched by CAST for the adolescents in the21st century .

  11. 同时,该活动还选拔国内优秀的青少年参与国际青少年机器人竞赛和交流活动。

    Besides , participating in this contest some excellent students are selected to take part in the international adolescent robotics contests and communication activities .

  12. 本文研究了基于机器人竞赛平台的大学生创新素质培养机制和实践活动。

    According to the experience , the mechanism and exercise of innovation quality cultivation for college students is analyzed based on the robot contest platform .

  13. 中型组足球机器人竞赛追求的是机器人足球队的整体高效协作性能,需要多个机器人之间默契地配合,才能赢得竞赛。

    The efficient collaboration is required for the middle-size soccer robot game . It needs the perfect interaction among the robots to win the game .

  14. 此外,这位36岁的白宫助手还会见了参加机器人竞赛的学生,并以试驾这些学生制造的机器人而结束了她的参观之旅。

    The 36-year-old Whitehouse aide also met students competing in a robotics competition and her tour ended with her test-driving a robot built by them .

  15. 针对青少年机器人竞赛在国内外已经广泛开展的现状,对机器人竞赛所遵循的教育理论和所产生的教育作用进行了简单的评述。

    In accordance with the developing situation of teenager robot competition at home and abroad , the writer gives a brief commentary on the education theory that contest followed and education effect that produced .

  16. 在今年上半年举行的一次全国性机器人竞赛中,我们看到某些竞赛队使用贵公司产品,取得了良好的成绩。

    In a robot contest at the national level held sometime the first half of this year , we witnessed good performance from some of the teams who adopted your products in the contest .

  17. 每一年,FIRST都举办一场机器人技术竞赛,来自高中的同学们在大学教授或者行业专家的指导之下建造完成特定任务的机器人。

    FIRST runs a robotics competition every year where high school students team up with mentors from universities and industry to build robots for specific tasks .

  18. 他们还将涉及机器人技术竞赛。

    They can also get involved with robotics competitions like the FIRST competition .

  19. 将其应用到机器人足球竞赛中,取得了良好的效果。

    The presented algorithm has been applied in robot soccer competition and works successfully .

  20. 根据机器人灭火竞赛规则,给出了一种轮式机器人的硬件结构设计方案和软件设计流程。

    According to the contest rule for outfiring robot , this paper presents the hardware project and software flow for a wheel robot .

  21. 主要内容包括:首先,本文以机器人足球竞赛为研究背景,说明课题研究的重要意义。

    The main contents include : First of all , the research background of this paper is robot soccer competition , indicating the importance of the research .

  22. 机器人足球竞赛是公认的研究人工智能最合适的方法之一,它兼具足球比赛的趣味性和人工智能的挑战性于一体,现在已在世界各地的高校和科研院所之间广泛开展。

    The robot soccer is considered as one of the best ways to research the artificial intelligence , which contents the interesting of soccer and the challenges of the artificial intelligence . Now , the robot soccer is being carried out extensively between the universities and research institutions .

  23. 为了推动水下机器人技术的发展,本文介绍了一种基于全局视觉的水中机器人竞赛项目。

    Aiming to promote the underwater robot technology , a global vision-based underwater robot competition is introduced in this paper .

  24. 近年来随着机器人视觉技术、智能控制技术和信息处理技术的快速发展,机器人足球世界杯(RoboCup)中的中型组足球机器人竞赛水平有了较大的提高。

    In recent years with the rapid development of robot vision , intelligent control and information processing technology , the competition level of middle-size soccer robots in robot football World Cup ( RoboCup ) has been greatly improved .