
  • 网络automaton
  1. 审计机关负责人依照法定程序任免。审计机关负责人没有违法失职或者其他不符合任职条件的情况的,不得随意撤换。

    Persons in charge of audit institutions shall be appointed or removed in accordance with legal procedures . None of them may be removed or replaced at random for the post .

  2. 审计机关负责人依照法定程序任免。

    Persons in charge of audit institutions shall be appointed or removed in accordance with legal procedures .

  3. 法院补充说,合理原因标准相当于许多独立机关负责人享有的法定的保障措施。

    The Court added that the good cause standard was equivalent to the statutory protections enjoyed by many independent agency heads .

  4. 显而易见,了解这类心理机关的人更懂得如何专享思维控制的“启动键”自动为他们带来财富。

    Obviously , it gives the person who understands these psychological devices the privileged benefits to " push button " automatic fortunes .

  5. 刍议国家统一司法考试与检法机关用人制度的衔接

    Informal Discussion on the Connection between National Judicial Examination and the Personnel System of the Prosecution , the Court and other Judicial Organs

  6. 被约见的有关国家机关负责人或者由他委托的负责人员应当听取代表的建议、批评和意见。

    The responsible personnel to be interviewed of the State organs concerned or the persons in charge entrusted by them shall listen to the proposals , criticisms or opinions of the deputies .

  7. 第五部分着重论述了受害人身份不明时赔偿权利人的确定问题,分析了救助站、民政局不能成为适格权利人的原因,提出应当赋予特定机关权利人地位。

    Part V focuses on the rights of the victims were unknown when the determination of compensation , Analysis of the assistance station , the Civil Administration can not be the right person eligibility reasons , made the right should be given the status of specific organs .

  8. 必要时,得邀请受理机关之承办人到场说明。

    The official in charge shall be present for specification if necessary .

  9. 第四章是针对我国党政机关选人用人存在问题的原因分析。

    The fourth chapter is about analysis on problems of selecting and appointing person .

  10. 第五章是针对党政机关选人用人的问题提出确实可行的对策。

    The fifth chapter aims at to propose the truly feasible countermeasure to selecting and appointing person .

  11. 检察机关作为原告人提起附带民事诉讼难以找到法理依据。

    It is difficult for procuratorial organ as plaintiff to seek source of law for instituting the incidental civil actions .

  12. 法律实施主管机关的负责人应到会听取意见,回答询问。

    Leading members of the competent organs in charge of law enforcement shall attend the meetings to listen to comments and answer inquiries .

  13. 申请行政机关履行保护人身权、财产权的法定职责

    An administrative organ perform its statutory duty of protecting one 's rights of the person and of property as one has applied for

  14. 大量的刑事积案以及司法机关案多人少的问题日益突出。

    A good many criminal long-pending cases and the problem of judicial organs with a good many cases but insufficient staff are increasingly prominent .

  15. (八)认为行政机关侵犯其他人身权、财产权的。

    And ( 8 ) cases where an administrative organ is considered to have infringed upon other rights of the person and of property .

  16. 西方行政机关高层的人通常是不错的,但是在新加坡,自上而下全是精英制度。

    Western civil services often have pretty good people at the top , but in Singapore meritocracy reigns all the way down the system .

  17. 在人们从事共同行动的所有团体中&在农业、商业和一切行政机关中,人与人之间的关系都是这样。

    A similar relation exists in every combination of persons for common action & in agriculture , commerce , and in every department of activity .

  18. 被告人认罪案件的处理程序是指在被告人承认控方指控后、司法机关对被告人认罪案件采取的各种不同的处理程序的总称。

    The processing of cases with guilty plea are the different processes that the judicial organs take to deal with the cases of guilty plea .

  19. 他入世多年,明白在一切机关里,人总有人可替,坐位总有人来坐。

    He 'd been in the working world long enough to know that in any organization replacements can always be found , and positions refilled .

  20. 妥善处理税务执法与行风建设的矛盾,是税务机关和税务人不能回避而必须高度重视和加以解决的重大课题。

    It is an important problem for tax authorities and collectors to deal with well the contradiction between tax law enforcement and trade ethics construction .

  21. 质询案以口头答复的,应当由受质询机关的负责人到会答复;

    If the reply is to be made orally , the leading person of the organ addressed shall be present at the meeting to give the reply ;

  22. 司法实践中,检察机关以加害人与被害人达成刑事和解协议为基础,对加害人作出相对不起诉的案件越来越多。

    In judicial practice , it is more and more common to makes a decision of relative non-prosecution basing on the criminal reconciliation agreement between injurer and victim .

  23. 不注意全面地发动群众生产运动,只注意片面地以少数经济机关组织少数人从事生产的观点,是错误的。

    It is wrong to have a few economic departments organizing a small number of people for production and to neglect the launching of extensive mass campaigns for production .

  24. 除外交事物和防务外,香港特别行政区享有高度自治,其政府和立法机关由香港人组成。

    Except for foreign and defense affairs , the HKSAR enjoys a high degree of autonomy , the government and legislature of the HKSAR are composed of local inhabitants .

  25. 论我国《国家赔偿法》的立法完善&关于行政侵权引起的精神损害赔偿认为行政机关侵犯其他人身权、财产权

    On the Perfection of the Legislation of the State Compensation Law ; an administrative organ is considered to have infringed upon other rights of the person and of property

  26. 民事纠纷的行政解决机制,是指由国家行政机关充当中间人,对民事纠纷进行调解或裁决的非诉讼纠纷解决程序。

    Administrative civil dispute settlement mechanism means a ruling of non-litigation dispute resolution procedures , which aim to mediation , arbitration act as an intermediary state administrative organs of civil disputes .

  27. [方法]采用工作能力指数表对上海市部分机关公务员1145人和商业人群2092人的患病情况进行调查分析。

    [ Methods ] 1145 of functionaries of Shanghai municipal government and 2092 of commercial population were interviewed with a questionnaire based work ability index ( WAI ) about their disease conditions .

  28. 与我国党政机关选人用人相关的指导理论有马克思主义理论、政治制度相关理论、党建理论和现代人力资源管理理论。

    A theory of selecting and appointing person about our country contains the Marxism theory , the political system correlation theories , the party building theory and the modern human resources management theory .

  29. 此外,检察机关的监督人地位与民事诉讼改革呈现出来的目标趋向当事人主义模式存在着无法兼容的矛盾。

    In addition , there is incompatible contradiction between the procuratorate 's position as an inspector and the target trend presented by the reform of civil proceedings towards the pattern of the litigant principle .

  30. 本文将环境保护行政机关与相对人之间签订的环境保护方面的合同称为环境保护外部行政合同,并在概念的外延上排除了自然资源保护方面的外部行政合同。

    This paper calls the contract between environmental protection administration and private party as exterior administrative contract on environmental protection , and this kind of contract excludes exterior administrative contract on natural resources protection .