
  1. 作者朱磊(音译LeiZhu)分析了我们常用的服务端负载均衡手段&循环DNS(RoundRobinDNS),文中提到

    Lei Zhu , author of the article , then surveys conventional load balancing approaches used on the server side , starting with " Round Robin DNS " and notes

  2. 据朱磊表示,现在这俩座《熊出没》雕塑已经被放进了储藏室里,以免将来惹出什么其他事端。

    Mr Zhu says the Boonie Bears have now been consigned to a store room in order to avoid any further trouble .

  3. 朱磊接受《北京青年报》采访时表示,证监会的人说这只熊看起来“好像在对他们竖中指”。

    They said it was " as if it was putting its middle finger up at them , " he tells Beijing Youth Daily .

  4. 据负责这两座《熊出没》雕塑的朱磊透露,是证监会打电话来向他们投诉这只熊的“不礼貌手势”。

    Zhu Lei , who was in charge of the Boonie Bear attraction , says the CSRC called to complain about the bear 's " impolite hand gesture . "