
Zhū xī
  • Zhu Xi;chief expounder of Neo-Confucianism;also known as Zhū Zǐ or Master Zhu
  1. 论朱熹的山林情趣与他的诗歌创作

    About Zhu xi 's interest in mount-woods and his poetic creation

  2. 朱熹《四书》学的治学特点

    The Characteristics of Zhu Xi 's Studies on the Four Books

  3. 简论朱熹对古代中医学发展的影响

    Zhu Xi 's influence on development of ancient traditional Chinese medicine

  4. 朱熹文化世界的三统整合

    The Concord of Three Legitimacy of ZHU Xi 's Cultural World

  5. 朱熹阅读教学理论研究

    The Study on Zhu Xi 's Teaching Theory of Chinese Reading

  6. 朱熹理学思想对书法理论的影响

    The Influence of ZHU Xi 's Rationalism Upon the Calligraphical Theory

  7. 朱熹盐业管理改革思想初探

    On the Reform Thinking of Zhuxi 's Administration of Salt Trade

  8. 心在朱熹思想中作为理与气的结合物,具有独特的功能和作用。

    : Heart is the combination of li and qi .

  9. 朱熹语文教育思想研究

    A Study on the Zhu Xi 's Ideology of Chinese Language Education

  10. 20世纪朱熹文学研究述评

    Research on Zhu Xi 's Literature in the Twentieth Century

  11. 略论朱熹与白鹿洞书院之关系

    A Brief Discussion on the Relationship between Zhu Xi and Bailu Academy

  12. 简论朱熹的人格美思想

    An Outline on Chu-Hsi 's Thoughts of the Characteristic Beauty

  13. 那朱熹在武夷山到底生活了多久呢?

    How long did Zhu Xi live at Wuyi mountain ?

  14. 试论朱熹以“理”为基石的法制思想

    Legal idea of Zhu Xi on the basis of " li "

  15. 朱熹:作为编辑出版家的评价

    An Appraisal to Zhu Xi as an Editor and Publisher

  16. 朱熹理学与经学妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症胎盘病理研究

    Studies of the Placental Pathology in Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy

  17. 朱熹音乐著述文化背景之探究

    A Research on the Cultural Background of Zhu-xis Musical Writings

  18. 从元晦到不远复&朱熹早期教育环境的道家影响

    The Taoist Influences on the Early Educational Settings of Zhuxi

  19. 朱熹文本阅读理论及其形象阐释

    ZHU Xi 's Text Reading Theory and its Image Interpretation

  20. 略论朱熹的道德教育思想及现实启迪

    Brief Talk on Zhuxi 's Moral Educational Thinking and Its Realistic Enlightenment

  21. 朱熹《家训》:从个人修养到民族文明

    ZHU Xi 's Family Teaching : from Individual Cultivation to National Civilization

  22. 朱熹倡导的应试动机及其影响&科举史上一个值得关注的话题

    The Test-oriented Motive Advocated by Zhu Xi and Its Influence

  23. 朱熹《四书》学与儒家工夫论

    Four Books Learing of Zhu Xi and His Confucian Gong Fu Theory

  24. 《家礼》是南宋朱熹最有影响的礼学著作。

    Family Ritual was the Zhuxi 's most influential book .

  25. 朱熹论义、利及其现代意义

    ZHU Xi on " justice "," profit " and the modern sense

  26. 朱熹蒙学教育思想的基本内容及其当代启示

    The Basic Content and Modern Enlightenment of Zhuxi 's Primary Educational Thought

  27. 论人心人性与历史的本质&从朱熹与陈同甫的论战看社会历史存在的心性论基础

    On the Relation between Human Mind Nature and the Essence of History

  28. 朱熹的精神哲学及其现代价值

    Zhu Xi 's Spiritual Philosophy and Its Modern Value

  29. 朱熹对儒家教育传统的集大成作用

    An Epitomizing Effect on the Tradition of the Confucian Education by Zhu Xi

  30. 朱熹教育哲学思想浅论

    A Tentative Study on the Educational Idea of Zhuxi