
  • 网络Giuliano;Maurizio Giuliano;Salvatore Giuliano
  1. 位于佛罗里达坦帕的H李墨菲特癌症中心和研究机构成员安娜朱利亚诺发现2009年全美约有三万二千多癌症病例是由HPV感染导致的。

    Professor Anna Giuliano of the H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute in Tampa , Florida , found 32,000 cases of cancers in men and women in the USA in 2009 were attributable to HPV infection .

  2. 朱利亚诺先生说,有了番茄基因图谱能够帮助种植者生产出更好的番茄。

    Mr. Giuliano says having the tomato 's genetic map will help growers who are always trying to produce a better tomato .

  3. 在今年巴西世界杯揭幕战上,开球的是一个名叫朱利亚诺o平托,双腿瘫痪的残疾青年。

    At this year 's FIFA World Cup , the first kick was delivered by a man with paralyzed legs , Juliano Pinto .

  4. 2009年,朱利亚诺成为10米负重倒立行走吉尼斯世界纪录的保持者。

    In 2009 , he became the Guinness World Record holder for the fastest ever ten meter hand-walk with a weight ball between his legs .

  5. 他补充说:朱利亚诺是一个好学生,也是个非常聪明的孩子,但是当然,他最喜欢的课一直是体育。

    He added : ' Giuliano is a good pupil and a very bright boy academically but of course his favourite lesson is always PE . '

  6. 经济学者杰夫•巴特勒、保拉•朱利亚诺和路易吉•圭索近期发表的一篇论文发现,对个人来说,对他人的信任存在一个最佳的“度”。

    A recent paper by economists Jeff Butler , Paola Giuliano and Luigi Guiso finds that for an individual , there 's an optimal level of trust in others .

  7. 朱利亚诺对健身的痴狂得益于他的父亲。尤利安现年35岁,是一名狂热的健身爱好者,他宣称,无论年龄多大,健康的锻炼机制都是有益无害的。

    He got into bodybuilding thanks to his fitness-fanatic father , Iulian , 35 , who claims there 's nothing wrong with a healthy exercise regime whatever age you are .

  8. 这位小正太和他的弟弟克劳迪乌从学会走路以来一直在进行重量训练,在他这个年龄段里,朱利亚诺显然技艺超群,已经打破了一连串的世界纪录。

    The youngster and his little brother Claudiu have been weight training since before they could walk and Giuliano holds a string of world records for feats of strength in his age group .

  9. 一个人如果需要某种形式的援助以康复,无论是短期的人道主义援助还是长期的重建帮助,他或她就被认为是受到了洪水影响。朱利亚诺说。

    A person is considered affected by the floods if he or she will need some form of assistance to recover , either short-term humanitarian aid or longer-term reconstruction help , said Giuliano .

  10. 当然,要读懂一个人的心并不容易,所以朱利亚诺o平托必须要学会如何去“想”——他要把这个动作想上一会儿,才能让这套装置明白他的意图。

    It 's not that simple to read someone 's mind , of course , so Pinto had to learn to think - ponder that one for a moment - in such a way that would give the suit orders it could understand .