
  1. 这其中的创作动机,运用现代心理学知识的解释,即作者内心深处生活本能意识和死亡本能意识的激荡。

    The motive of the novel , using the modern psychological analysis , is the instinct of life and the agita .

  2. 我突然本能地意识到出差错了。

    I had a sudden intuition that something was wrong .

  3. 他本能地意识到,仅仅靠更努力的训练绝对不够。

    He realized instinctively that simply training harder would never be enough .

  4. 幸好人性中除了懒惰还有进取,幸好人性中除了本能还有意识。

    Fortunately , there is still progress in addition to laziness in human nature , and awareness in addition to instincts .

  5. 《周易》构建了一种特殊的道德谱系,这种道德谱系由本能无意识、文化无意识、社会意识、自我意识道德化四个层面构成。

    It has constituted a special pedigree of morality . The moral pedigree is formed of four levels of instinctive unconsciousness , cultural unconsciousness , social consciousness and self-consciousness .

  6. 在七岁半这个年纪,我也许嘴上说不出来,却已经本能地意识到,朱莉·贝克是个危险的家伙。

    And although I couldn 't say it like that at the time , I still had enough sense at age 7 and a half to know that Juli Baker was dangerous .

  7. 他的小说的核心是人的本能(血性意识、自我天性)与理性认识(财富、地位以及建立在理性基础之上的社会观念)之间的矛盾。

    The center of this novel is the contradiction between people 's instinct and reason .

  8. 医学水平的局限、本能的求生意识诱发了人们求助伪医学的侥幸心理;

    The limitations of medicine and the will of instinctive subsistence induce the idea of leaving pseudomedicine to chance .

  9. 这位艺术家利用自己特殊性以及形成特殊性的社会根源和内心深层精神缘因等元素,结合自己本能和下意识去创作。

    For art is of great realistic significance . The artists use their particularities and formation of special social roots and deep inner spirit curbs , and other elements , in conjunction with our own instincts and to assume creation .

  10. 我们中的大部分人对待那些发生在我们周围的事物都是靠本能的、无意识的反应。

    Most of us go through life just reacting automatically and unconsciously to the things and events that take place around us .

  11. 常年在外颠沛流离的生活,激发了他们的生物本能,即回归意识,促使他们归乡。

    Years of outside vagrant life stimulated their biological instinct which is called returning consciousness , and encouraged them to go home .