
  1. 休斯说,他访问了193个联合国所有成员国以及台湾、梵蒂冈城、巴勒斯坦地区、科索沃、西撒哈拉以及4个英国的家乡民族地区之后,他有了4本盖满印章的护照。

    Hughes said he had filled four full passports by the time he visited all 193 United Nations member states , as well as Taiwan , Vatican City , the Palestinian territory , Kosovo , Western Sahara and the four home nations of Britain .

  2. 首先从项目整体方面介绍了本滑盖手机的外观图和结构的堆叠图,对主天线和蓝牙天线做了内部评估同时天线厂也给出天线评估结果。

    First , the external view of the project and the stacked figure of the structure from the overall situation is introduced , main antenna and bluetooth antenna is internally assessed and the antenna supplier shows the assessment result about main antenna .

  3. 本章还涵盖了水的预处理以及一些经济因素:比如建筑材料、表面抛光处理、仪器和控制器。

    Feed water pretreatment is covered along with economic factors such as construction materials , surface finishes , and instrumentation and controls .

  4. 本研究观察复盖猴鼻咽部各部位的上皮,均为假复层纤毛柱状上皮,未见有鳞状上皮。

    Throughout the nasopharynx it is covered by pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium .

  5. 安装汽缸盖,进气歧管和排气管,请参阅本部分的汽缸盖安装。

    Install cylinder head , intake manifold , and exhaust manifold , refer to cylinder head installation in this section .

  6. 从汽缸体拆下引擎汽缸盖(请参阅本部分之汽缸盖拆卸)。

    Remove the engine cylinder head from the cylinder block ( refer to cylinder head removal in this section ) .

  7. 本书全面复盖了释放锦标赛冠军赢得季节,包括专访、深度分析和游戏幕后行动。

    This championship release contains full coverage of the champ 's winning season , including exclusive interviews , in-depth game analysis and behind-the-scenes action .

  8. 本实用新型面盖的面积大大变小,可节约金属制造材料,有效降低生产成本。

    The area of the face cover is greatly reduced , the metal manufacturing material can be reduced , and the production cost can be effectively reduced .