
  • 网络local culture;native culture;indigenous culture
  1. 本土文化价值和翻译途径的选择

    The Value of Native Culture and the Choice of Translation Strategies

  2. 本土文化是塑造城市艺术形象的源泉。

    Native culture is the source which molds a city art image .

  3. 我们在很大程度上都是本土文化的产物。

    We are all to a great extent the products of our culture .

  4. 凯不是夏威夷本地人,但她十分喜爱夏威夷的本土文化,喜欢夏威夷人重视亲情的风俗。

    Kai wasn 't Hawaiian but loved the Hawaiian culture and spirit of family it cherished .

  5. 外籍劳工应融入本土文化。

    Foreign worker populations should be assimilated into the local culture .

  6. 她是不是拿到了美国本土文化的博士学位?

    Wasn 't she getting her PhD in Native American culture ?

  7. 每一种语言的变化深受本土文化的影响。

    Each linguistic variation is deeply influenced by indigenous culture .

  8. 图形设计中本土文化资源的现代性转换

    Modernity Shift of the Native Cultural Resources in Graphic Design

  9. 全球化过程中本土文化的命运

    The Destiny of National Culture in the Process of Globalization

  10. 贵州本土文化历史悠久,源远流长,根据它的发展,可分为四个时期,即:滥觞期,这时期涵盖了整个的原始文化和奴隶制文化;形成期,这时期是封建文化;

    The indigenous culture of Guizhou has a long history .

  11. 而殖民毁坏了本土文化,破坏了当地的生态。

    And colonization damages indigenous cultures and exterminates native ecology .

  12. 只有最适合本土文化的新闻教育制度才是最先进、最有效的。

    Only the appropriately localized system is the most advanced and efficient .

  13. 旅游英语翻译与本土文化对接的思考

    Thoughts on Integration of Tourism English Translation into Local Culture

  14. 本土文化对近年版画创作的影响

    The Influence of National Culture in the Production of the Art of Print

  15. 襄樊本土文化之称谓的探讨

    Discussion on the appellation of Xiangfan 's local culture

  16. 道教与中医学是中华本土文化的两大瑰宝。

    Taoism and Chinese Medicine are two great treasures of Chinese original culture .

  17. (为对抗文化交融)发扬本土文化的政策。

    The policy of perpetuating native cultures ( in opposition to acculturation ) .

  18. 城市本土文化的发掘与发扬对城市发展的促进作用

    The Excavation and Promotion of the Urban Local Culture Accelerate the Urban Development

  19. 异质文化的传播对中国本土文化发展的影响

    Influence of Heterogeneous Cultures on Native Cultural Development

  20. 杂合是翻译中的一种现象,是异域文化与本土文化间的交流与对话的必然产物。

    Hybridity is a normal result of communication between foreign culture and local culture .

  21. 传统的本土文化现代的个性空间

    Traditionally Native Culture but Full of Modern Personalities

  22. 我成长在美洲本土文化氛围里。

    I grew up around Native American culture .

  23. 除历史文化之外,生成本土文化的元素还有其他的可能吗?

    Are there any other local factors leading to regional landscapes besides historic culture ?

  24. 现代艺术设计中本土文化的商业价值研究

    The Research of the Commercial Value of the Native Culture in Contemporary Art Design

  25. 色彩理念、本土文化、产品定位国际流行色在中国应用的三个要素

    Color Idea , Native Culture And Product Location

  26. 有些节日实在是很有趣,所以在本土文化以外的地方也很受欢迎。

    Some holidays are so much fun that they catch on outside of their culture .

  27. 这也体现了基点对于本土文化的尊重和坚持。

    Hence , the approach manifests BASE Design 's persistence and respect for local culture .

  28. 本土文化与城市艺术形象

    Native Culture and City Art Image

  29. 城市雕塑与本土文化

    City Statue and Its Local Culture

  30. 闽南文化糅合了中原文化、本土文化和海外文化。

    Its culture is a blending of Central Plains culture , local culture and overseas culture .