
mò rì
  • doomsday;Day of Judgment;Judgment Day;世界末日 lastday;end;death throes
末日 [mò rì]
  • (1) [doomsday;Judgment Day]∶基督教教义中称世界毁灭那一天

  • (2) [end]∶事物结束或消亡的日子

  • 我那时的感觉就是末日来临

末日[mò rì]
  1. 根据灵媒BarbPowell,它将&也就是说,如果我们没有在末日(12月21日)灭亡。

    According to Psychic Medium Barb Powell , it will & that is , if we don 't all go down on Doomsday ( Dec. 21 ) .

  2. 根据灵媒BarbPowell,它将——也就是说,如果我们没有在末日(12月21日)灭亡。

    According to Psychic Medium Barb Powell , it will - that is , if we don 't all go down on Doomsday ( Dec. 21 ) .

  3. 一次考试不及格并非世界末日。

    Failing one exam is not the end of the world .

  4. 世界末日可能不远了,但我们真的在意吗?

    The end of the world may be nigh , but do we really care ?

  5. 从选举结果来看,这是不是国会中强硬派的末日?

    Given the results of the vote , is this the end of the road for the hardliners in Congress ?

  6. 我们生活在意味着世界末日将要到来的灾难的阴影当中。

    We live in the shadow of the apocalypse , of a catastrophe that will mean the end of the world itself .

  7. 显然,如果我们做不到我会失望,但这也不会是世界末日。

    Obviously I 'd be disappointed if we don 't make it , but it wouldn 't be the end of the world .

  8. 还不是世界末日。

    It isn 't the crack of doom .

  9. 别担心,这不是世界末日!在交通中,这种情况下你要做的就是掉头找路。

    Don 't worry — it 's not the end of the world ! In traffic , what you do in this situation is just turn around and find a way .

  10. 海洋的很多区域看上去完全像是世界末日。

    Parts of the ocean there look just absolutely apocalyptic .

  11. 对于他们,任何错误都像是世界末日。

    To an exaggerator , every mistake feels like the end of the world .

  12. 哪怕你我粉身碎骨,哪怕世界末日,我都会爱着你。

    In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us , I love you .

  13. 末日意识text和.现代学术与两种学术遗产

    Modern Academy and Two Text of Confucianism

  14. PID增益基于神经模糊网络的预测控制二、末日意识

    The PID Gain Predictive Control Based on Two Approximation Model

  15. 综合多输出组合逻辑二级电路CAD软件算法的改进二、末日意识

    An improvement algorithm of CAD software of multiple output combinational logic two stage circuit

  16. 但是像《美国末日》(TheLastofUs)和即将发布的《超凡双生》(Beyond:TwoSouls)这样的新游戏则充分显示了目前这个系统的实力。

    But new games like the last of us and the upcoming beyond : two souls showcase the full power of the system .

  17. AutoCAD中由三维模型创建轴测图和二维投影图的改进二、末日意识

    Improvement on creating axonometric drawing and ( two - ) dimensional projection from three-dimensional model in AutoCAD

  18. 没有人能预见世界末日(约翰F.肯尼迪)

    No man can see to the end of time ( John F. Kennedy )

  19. 2008年,他还写过一部轰动的英国恐怖迷你剧《死亡片场》(DeadSet),想像出一个僵尸末日世界,发生在《老大哥》(BigBrother)真人秀片场。

    He also wrote a hit British horror mini-series , Dead Set , in 2008 , which imagined a zombie apocalypse taking place around the reality series Big Brother .

  20. 严格Sl(Em)函数类中双边矩阵函数留数插值二、末日意识

    The Two-sided Residue Interpolation in the Strict Class S_l ( E_m ) for Matrix Functions

  21. 纵使股市下挫,世界末日并没在周一到来,而到了周二,美联储(Fed)也同样强硬。

    The world did not end on Monday , even if the stock market dropped , and on Tuesday , the Federal Reserve was also defiant .

  22. 这些V8引擎怪兽的末日已经不远了。

    The handwriting is on the wall for these v-8-powered monsters .

  23. 二阶数据近似算法对DDA圆弧插补的改进二、末日意识

    The Function of Approximate Arithmetic of Two Rank Datas in Improving DDA Arc Interpolation

  24. 末日意识超声心动图测定左心室指数(LVMI)。

    LVMI was measured by two dimentional echocardiography .

  25. M-BUS二线制总线二、末日意识

    M - BUS , the Two - Wire Bus

  26. 贝莱德(BlackRock)首席股票策略师鲍勃多尔(BobDoll)表示:人们意识到去年市场在定价中计入了世界末日般的前景,这种风险厌恶的情绪现在已经逆转。

    People realised they were pricing in Armageddon last year , and risk aversion has now been reversed , said Bob Doll , chief equity strategist at BlackRock .

  27. 弗朗西斯·劳伦斯当时已经执导过威尔·史密斯(WillSmith)坐镇的后末日巨作《我是传奇》(IAmLegend),他说,当雅克布逊女士同他接触时,他一开始非常犹豫。

    Mr. Lawrence , who had already established his post-apocalyptic directing credentials in the Will Smith vehicle " I Am Legend , " said that he was at first hesitant when Ms. Jacobson approached him .

  28. 德国媒体往往会转向美国经济学家比如,昵称为末日博士(druntergang)的鲁里埃尔鲁比尼(nourielroubini)寻求对于未来剧变的预测。

    German media have often turned instead to US-based economists such as Nouriel Roubini nicknamed Dr Untergang for cataclysmic forecasts of what lies ahead .

  29. 全球“末日博士”鲁里埃尔鲁比尼(nourielroubini)在一定程度上预见到了此次危机,但他也是随着信贷危机的冲击加重而不断下调预测。

    Nouriel Roubini , the global " Dr doom " who got much of the crisis right , has also persistently revised his forecasts lower as the credit crunch has bitten harder .

  30. 这里有BurberryProrsum的银色金属质感手包和过膝长靴,怪异得就像世界末日之后穿的某种护身盔甲;还有Pucci的金属质感连衣裙。

    Here is Burberry Prorsum 's silver metallic handbag and over-the-knee boots , eerily akin to some kind of post-apocalyptic body armour ; there is Pucci 's metallic shift .