
  1. 火星从呼呼燃烧的木火上直冒出来。

    Sparks flew from the roaring log fire .

  2. 木火土金水是不可缺少的五种最基本的物质。

    Wood , fire , earth , metal and water are the five most essential materials indispensable to human existence .

  3. 为了制作这个长近2000米的用木火烹饪的披萨,他们使用了2000公斤面粉,1600公斤西红柿,2000公斤奶酪,200升油,30公斤新鲜罗勒以及1500升水。

    For the wood-fired pizza , which measured two kilometres , they used 2000 kg of flour , 1600 kg of tomatoes , 2000 kg of mozzarella , 200 litres of oil , 30kg of fresh basil and 1500 litres of water .

  4. 基于ISO9705房间木垛火试验的FDS模拟预测研究

    Research on the prediction of FDS simulation based on the ISO 9705 room wood crib fire test

  5. 细水雾与木垛火相互作用的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Interaction of Water Mist with Wood Crib Fire

  6. 助燃剂对木垛火燃烧特性影响研究

    Accelerant Influence on Combustion Characteristics of Wood Crib Fire

  7. 很久以前,古代的中国人认为,木、火、土、金、水是构成生命的基本要素。

    A long time ago , ancient Chinese recognized that wood , fire , earth , metal and water were the basic elements necessary for life .

  8. 进行了系列的细水雾灭油盆火和木垛火试验,测量了灭火过程中空间温度场的变化,得到了在不同火场条件下细水雾的灭火效果和规律。

    Series of water mist extinguishing tests of pool and wood fires are carried out while the dimensional temperature fields of the fire enclosure are measured .

  9. 为了研究窗型玻璃喷头对钢化玻璃的保护效果,进行了木垛火、织物火、油池火三种类型的实体建筑模拟火灾实验。

    For study the effect of toughened glass protected by window type sprinkler , we developed full scale experimental of wood fire , fabric fire and oil fire .

  10. 并指出在评价热气溶胶灭火剂扑灭A类木垛火能力时,应详细给出灭火实验所采用的条件,特别是火灾模型的情况。

    It is also pointed out that experimental conditions especially fire model used should be shown when the ability of hot aerosol extinguishant to extinguish class A fire is evaluated .

  11. 采用木垛火作为火源,比较添加与未添加助燃剂两种情况下其燃烧特性,研究助燃剂对可燃物燃烧特性的影响。

    A series of simulative experiments have been done using wood cribs with different porosities and heights in order to study the effect of combustible configuration on combustion process of tunnel fire .

  12. 利用木垛火模拟地铁火灾的演化过程,在地铁车站出入口的缩尺度模型中进行模拟实验。

    A series of simulation experiments , carried out on the scale model of subway station passageway are described , in which wood crib fires are used as the evolvement process of subway fire .

  13. 五行学说认为,宇宙间的一切事物,都是由木、火、土、金、水五种物质的运动与变化所构成的。

    The theory of the five elements holds that all the phenomena in the universe are composed by the movement and mutation of the five objects : wood , fire , earth , metal and water .

  14. 中医认为生命由土、金、水、木、火五大元素组成,维持这五大元素的平衡,就是维持健康体质的平衡。

    The herbalist doctor believes that keep the balance of five elements of Yin Yang which are earth , gold , water , wood and fire is the best way to keep the balance of body health .

  15. 太极分为阴阳二气,阴阳二气产生木、火、土、金、水这五行。

    Taiji comprises yin and yang , two types of vital energy . The five elements of wood , fire , earth , metal and water derive from yin and yang . These five elements correspond to , or affect , particular human organs .

  16. 少年的爱如薄木片的火,来得快也去得快。

    Love of lads and fire of chips is soon in and soon out .

  17. 与之自然联想到金、木、水、火、土,顺其自然。

    Gold , wood , water , fire and soil take the course of nature .

  18. 此外,各年份还围绕着“金、木、水、火、土”五大元素交替轮换。

    The years also rotate through five elements gold , wood , water , fire and earth .

  19. 所谓五行指的是金、木、水、火、土。

    The five basic materials or elements are gold , wood , water , fire , and earth .

  20. 中国语境中的全球神化&读罗小平金、木、水、火、土里的领袖人物

    Global Deification in Chinese Context Read " Leaders " in Gold , Wood , Water , Fire and Earth of Luo Xiaoping

  21. 中国人的哲学是:人的生命被金、木、水、火、土五种元素影响。

    Chinese philosophy dictates there are five elements which influence our lives : metal , wood , water , fire and earth .

  22. 它以阴气、阳气形成天与地,且阴阳又重新形成金、木、水、火、土五行的阴阳五行学说为基础。

    The yin and yang shape the heaven and earth and then evolve into the five elements : metal , wood , water , fire and earth .

  23. 这也与五行有联系,古老的中国人相信物质世界是由五行组成的,即金,木,水,火,土。

    There are links also with the Five Elements ' of which the ancient Chinese believed the physical universe to be composed namely , metal , wood , water , fire and earth .

  24. 这五行是指金、木、水、火、土。它们之间的相生、相克、相乘、相侮是宇宙间一切事物运动和变化的基本规律。

    The relations between waxing are interpolation , interaction , over action and counter-action , which are believed to be the common law of the motions and changes of the creatures in the universe .

  25. 生肖每12年一轮回,并且每年和中国神话中构成宇宙的五个元素组成:金,木,水,火,土。

    The zodiac runs on a12-year cycle , and each year is associated with the five elements that Chinese mystics make up the universe : metal , water , wood , fire and earth .

  26. 在真火壁炉上烧一壶水,整个屋子金、木、水、火、土五行俱全了,达到了风水学的最高境界。

    Burn a pot of water on the true fire fireplace , the whole house gold , wood , water , fire , soil is five lines of complete , come to a the tallest state that the geomancy learns .

  27. 到了汉代,德之五行演变为五常,并逐渐与金、木、水、火、土五行形成了固定的比附关系。

    In the Han Dynasty , the five elements of moral developed into the five constant virtues , and then fixed in a stable attachment relationship with the five elements " metal , wood , water , fire , earth " .

  28. 以木为例,因为木生火,故木为火之母;

    Take wood for example , because wood produces fire , it is the mother of fire ;