
  • 网络Wooden chair;Wood Chair
  1. 坐在户外撑着遮阳伞的木椅上(Shang),和(He)新认识的朋友一边喝茶,一边谈着自己小小的生活,或许也是一种惬意。

    Perhaps it is also satisfying just to sit outdoors on a wooden chair under a sunshade , chatting over a cup of tea about daily trifles with new friends .

  2. 我不得不整天坐在硬邦邦的木椅上。

    I had to sit on a hard wooden chair all day .

  3. 他把她推开,她向后跌坐到长木椅上。

    He pushed her away and she fell back on the wooden bench

  4. 克莱尔坐在前排长木椅上。

    Claire sat in the front pew .

  5. 我们在桌子周围摆放了四把木椅。

    We arranged four wooden chairs around the table .

  6. 并针对其结构强度问题采用有限元法和ANSYS软件优化程序对层压弯曲木椅框架结构进行了优化设计。

    And the laminated bent-wood chair was optimized design according to the structure strength by use of FEA and ANSYS software .

  7. 在中国中央电视台(CCTV)播出的一段视频中,人们可以看到木板内饰的法庭,墙壁是深褐色的,木椅是深色的,天花板很高。

    A short video by CCTV , the main state broadcaster , showed a wood-panelled courtroom with dark brown walls , dark wooden seats and very high ceilings .

  8. 爸爸昨天买的那把木椅很值钱。

    The wood chair Father bought yesterday is valuable .

  9. 她手摸着木椅,坐着等待。

    She ran her hand over the wood while she sat , waiting .

  10. 弯木椅,不论是否不定期软垫

    Chair , bentwood , whether or not upholstered

  11. 根据材料力学原理对层压弯曲木椅框架结构进行强度分析。

    According to the theory of material mechanics analyzes the laminated bent-wood frame structure strength .

  12. 研究采用静态和动态应力应变测试系统对层压弯曲木椅框架的实际结构强度进行测定。

    The research tests the strength of laminated bent-wood chair in use of static and dynamic stress-strain systems .

  13. 高辐条靠背的一种木椅,横杆连接的椅腿向外倾斜,椅座鞍形。

    A wooden chair having a high spoked back , outward-slanting legs connected by a crossbar , and a saddle seat .

  14. 厨师单脚站在木椅上,好好的看了看那本书,然后摇了摇头。

    The cook stood on the wooden chair with one foot , took a good look at the book and shook his head .

  15. 层压弯曲木椅是一种造型极具美感,结构工艺简捷,自产生以来一直备受人们喜爱的家具制品。

    Laminated bent wood chair has always been highly popular furniture products , which is a kind of styling beautiful , simple structure and technics .

  16. 酒坊的门上没有标志,但外面的平台上放置着小小的木椅、矮桌以及蜡烛。

    There 's no sign on the door , although a ledge outside is set up with small wooden chairs , low tables and candles .

  17. 我坐着一动不动,手指紧抠着木椅的扶手,竭力让自己呼吸玫瑰和熏衣草的芳香。

    Then the rattle on the knocker . I sat , fingers taut round the arms of the wooden seat , trying to breathe in the balm of roses and lavender .

  18. 铜墙木椅,红砖金瓦,贵气十足的大堂金碧辉煌。所有情调的摆弄和考究的细节,都是为让您享受到不一样的品质。

    It is a magnificent palace imbued with nobleness and grandeur , with all the wooden furniture going against the wall of bronze , the red bricks contrasting the golden tiles .

  19. 开放式的门廊配上雕花木椅,能让人欣赏到令人叹为观止的美景,而房子的地基则深入到水中。

    An open porch , complete with a carved wooden bench , gives the owner breath-taking views of the surrounding area , while beneath the building 's stone foundations disappear into the water .

  20. 我背靠在我的木椅上,注视着毕蒂把头斜在一边干着针线活,脑际中泛起了思潮,我开始认为毕蒂真是一位了不起的姑娘。

    Pursuing my idea as I leaned back in my wooden chair and looked at Biddy sewing away with her head on one side , I began to think her rather an extraordinary girl .

  21. 影片中的高中时期给人的印象最是深刻;很容易使观众一起回想起他们的高中日子,伤痕累累的木椅和桌子,拿着笔戳坐在自己前面男生的女生,还有学校校服。

    The high school part of the movie is the most impressive ; it easily reminds the audience of their high school days with the scarred wooden chairs and desks , the girl poking the boy sitting in front of her with a pen , and the school uniforms .

  22. 由专业技术人员设计生产实木餐桌、餐椅、中高档钢木办公椅。

    The technicians design and produce wood dining tables , dining chairs , mid-grade and high-grade steel-wood office chairs .

  23. 阿尔瓦·阿尔托1930年创作的这把由白桦木制成的扶手椅(右)便是如此。

    Alvar Aalto's1930 armchair , at right , is made of birch plywood and solid birch .

  24. 木块为红、黄、绿、蓝几种颜色,可以用木锤将木桩敲进木椅。

    The pegs are red , green , yellow , and blue , and can be pounded into the wooden bench using the hammer .

  25. 这个木结构周围的几十个柱坑似乎与木座椅的多层结构相吻合,这些木椅层在法律文件中也有描述。

    Dozens of postholes around the structure appear to correspond with tiers of wooden seating , which were also described in the legal documents .

  26. 层压木家具是家具行业的后起之秀,作者应生产研究单位的实际需要,将有限元法用于层压弯曲木椅强度的理论分析,并用电测法进行检验,理论与试验结果符合较好。

    Layer-wood Furniture is the newest development in furniture industry , the author of this thesis had at-tempted to apply finite-element in theoretical strength analysis layer-wood chair structure and then conduct the elec-trical test to prove it feasible with satisfying results .