
  1. 我不知道好吧某个疯子用木子弹击中我我会迅速逃离

    I don 't know , ok.Some freak shot at me with wooden bullets , I 'd bail in under 60 .

  2. 保留砧木子叶有利于提高嫁接成活率,但其萌发的腋生芽对接穗生长不利;

    Rootstock cotyledon had a positive effect on success rate , while its sprouting axillary shoots had a negative effect on scion growth .

  3. 记住木子弹杀不了他但会让他受伤不轻你就可以接近他然后用木桩钉死他

    Remember , wood bullets won 't kill him , But it 'll wound him enough For you to get close and stake him .

  4. 木子一气之下辞职下海,折腾了两年,总算挣了一些钱。

    Muzi resigns under stretch go into business , do sth over and over again two years , made a few money at long last .

  5. 在杉木子代测定中,观测了各年到16年(或7年)的树高,胸径和材积生长。

    Stem height , diameter and volume growth were measured at various ages up to that of16 ( or7 ) in a Chinese Fir progeny test .

  6. 运用图像处理技术,对蔬菜嫁接机器人的砧木生长点识别系统,进行了砧木子叶方向定位的准确性的试验。

    The precision of stock cotyledon direction orientating which the device of identifying stock growing point performs is tested by means of the technique of image processing .

  7. 1通过试管内外嫁接对影响番茄、茄子及黄瓜嫁接成活率和接穗生长的影响因子进行了研究,其中包括嫁接组合、苗龄、砧木子叶以及外源激素。

    A successful grafting technique for tomato and eggplant was developed and factors that affected the graft success and scion growth including combination of grafting parents , age of seedling , rootstock cotyledon and external hormonal solutions were investigated .