
mù tou
  • wood;log;timber
木头 [mù tou]
  • [wood] 砍伐下的树木的统称

木头[mù tou]
  1. 他把那块木头削成了一个简易的玩具。

    He whittled a simple toy from the piece of wood .

  2. 我听到子弹砰的一声击中了木头。

    I heard the whack of the bullet hitting the wood .

  3. 他把那块木头削成了一个简易的玩具。

    He whittled the piece of wood into a simple toy .

  4. 木头雕成了花朵状。

    The wood had been carved into the shape of a flower .

  5. 听起来就像是两块木头在一起摩擦。

    It sounded like two pieces of wood rubbing together .

  6. 木头不能受潮,否则很快就会烂掉。

    The wood must not get damp as rot can quickly result .

  7. 油漆剥落处可以看见光秃秃的木头。

    You could see bare wood where the paint had flaked off .

  8. 屋顶用几根木头支撑固定住了。

    The roof was braced by lengths of timber .

  9. 火中的木头噼啪作响,爆出火花。

    The logs on the fire crackled and spat .

  10. 木头不是良好的导体。

    Wood is a poor conductor .

  11. 然后把木头刨光。

    Then plane the wood smooth .

  12. 你那木头脑瓜什么时候才会明白我不想再见到你呢?

    When will you get it into your thick head that I don 't want to see you again !

  13. 木头能浮起来。

    Wood floats .

  14. 我拿起一块木头,开始雕刻起来。

    I picked up a piece of wood and started carving .

  15. 打磨木头的表面,为刷清漆做准备。

    Rub the surface of the wood in preparation for the varnish

  16. 他无法确定地板是木头的还是石头的。

    He could not tell whether the floor was wood or stone

  17. 有个犯人刻了一副漂亮的木头象棋。

    One of the prisoners has carved a beautiful wooden chess set

  18. 看那边,就在木头柱子的旁边。

    Now look yonder , just beyond the wooden post there .

  19. 笨重的深色桌子上嵌有颜色较浅的木头。

    The heavy dark table is inlaid with lighter wood .

  20. 木头最近经过抛光又恢复了光泽。

    The wood had been recently polished to bring back the shine .

  21. 这些木头在吱吱嘎嘎作响,木地板有些摇晃。

    The timbers groan and creak and the floorboards shift .

  22. 因长时间浸泡,木头发胀了。

    The wood had become swollen from prolonged immersion .

  23. 木头在他指间会变成粉末。

    The wood turns to powder in his fingers .

  24. 上过油的木头防水而且不会剥落。

    Oiled wood is water-resistant and won 't flake .

  25. 一些碗是用陶土和木头制成的。

    Some bowls were made of pottery and wood .

  26. 独木舟由防水木头制成。

    The canoe is made from an impermeable wood .

  27. 这幅画是通过复写纸印到木头上的。

    The drawing is transferred onto the wood by means of carbon paper .

  28. 木头上刷了漆以看起来像块石头。

    The wood had been painted to simulate stone

  29. 他的脚噔噔噔地踩在木头台阶上。

    His feet clunked on the wooden steps .

  30. 我跨过一块破木头。

    I stepped over a broken piece of wood