
  1. 晚生种×早生种F1展叶期介于两亲之间。

    In the combination of late-sprouting and early-sprouting cultivars , the F1 leaf-expansion periods were located between their parents .

  2. 再者,儿童期又是亲社会行为发展的关键期。

    Moreover , to develop their pro-social behavior , childhood is the key period .

  3. 而幼儿期是培养亲社会行为的关键时期,在幼儿阶段进行助人的教育能起到事半功倍的效果。

    Kindergarten is a critical period of developing pro-social behavior , so education about helping in early childhood stage can receive better results .

  4. 红隼繁殖期没有明显的筑巢行为,进入繁殖期较早的亲鸟大多数是利用前一年红隼利用过的旧人工巢箱繁殖,亲鸟对巢箱内的残留物不进行清理。

    There is no obvious nest-building behavior in the breeding period .