- day and night;morning and evening;daily;a very short time;from morning to night

(1) [day and night]∶时时;日日夜夜
汝朝夕待母。--明. 崔铣《记王忠肃公翱三事》
史朝夕狱门外。--清. 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》
(2) [a very short time]∶一朝一夕,指短时间
Now they can talk endlessly about their antiques day and night .
Having to improve the legislation is not the matter overnight .
To digest the administrative culture consciousness takes not only one day .
We never feel lonely from day to night .
Solving the problem of bribery in India is not going to happen overnight .
He or she will share your days and your nights , your bed and you burdens .
We believe , it is not easy that makes good use of the network in Chinese teaching .
She felt over sad and even guilty of her father 's death for not chatting with him everyday .
The dragon and elephant head wood sculptures are of incredible and exceptional workmanship , telling a century-old legend .
Acquainted with you and know each other in sincerity ; Between the magic horn , accompany with you daily .
She was convinced that she could have been happy with him , when it was no longer likely they should meet .
Tired , it is not only delayed overnight strive for the best in life , seems to be alive to struggled .
The idea of people-oriented and the customized service constructed a wonder harmonious homeland , continuing the legend and the prospective life .
To Pledger , after three years of walking and waiting , it felt good to be back at his trade again .
I even could not believe it was written by someone who is still struggling with disease and on the verge of death .
At this period of time , we stayed together from day to night , living a sweet romantic life like a couple .
Improve public participation in local executive and the legislature , not overnight but it also takes a very long way to go .
In regard to the current Chinese credit environment , the exorbitant risks will influence directly the return of the funds and the profits .
These are important steps on the long road to overcoming a problem that didn 't happen overnight and will not be solved overnight .
The martins and swallows were but one example of the many life-forms co-existing so unobtrusively alongside humans , and for which familiar objects and places had entirely different meanings .
Suddenly seemed to understand that , I have been waiting all this way to go again , every day , every sunset , silently waiting for , do not want to let you know .
Perhaps there is still a long way to go for the abolition of the death penalty , but we should also do the overnight battle , and ultimately the abolition thereof is just a process .
For those of us of the ivory tower after sweep into university students , knowledge , methods can quickly grasp , but the good habit , excellent quality , noble virtues but not seize the can .
While parents living together with their children all the time never perceive their gradual growth , they may fail to recognize , however , a distant relative whom they have not seen for quite some time .
The succession of native plants in the pastures and roadsides , which makes the silent clock by which time tells the summer hours , will make even the divisions of the day sensible to a keen observer .
Build the elementary student sports interest in long-term and stable development pattern , cultivating and developing students interest in sports is a long-term process , not one day work , so set up long-term and stable development pattern is very important .
There still exist many problems in goodwill accounting and it will take a long time to solve them . However , through more research and with relative conditions getting mature , goodwill is sure to be better dealt with in accounting field .