
  • 网络Lonnie;Ronnie;Wayne Rooney;rooney
  1. 这疯子朗尼,之前就住这。

    So this wack job , ronnie , the guy that lived here .

  2. 首先,朗尼应该列张清单,才不会忘记接下来要做些什么。

    To begin with , Ronnie should make a list so that he won 't forget what to do next .

  3. 13岁时,朗尼把一台旧发动机安装在了一辆自制的旅行车上。

    At 13 , Lonnie put an old engine on a homemade go-cart .

  4. 在大学里,朗尼是个优秀的学生。

    In college , Lonnie was an excellent student .

  5. 朗尼在做另一项发明时想到了这个玩具。

    Lonnie got the idea for this toy while working on another invention .

  6. 到高中时,朗尼用一些废物制造了一个遥控机器人。

    By high school , Lonnie built a remote-control robot from some waste things .

  7. 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(UniversityofWisconsin,Madison)的社会工作学副教授朗尼•伯杰(LonnieBerger)说,加总父母全部支出时,18岁以上子女的支出很重要。

    Lonnie Berger , associate professor of social work at the University of Wisconsin , Madison , says post-18 expenditures matter in adding up all costs to parents .

  8. 我要向你表示道歉,朗尼。

    I have an apology to make to you , lonnie .

  9. 朗尼满怀希望地抬头看看达德利·史密斯和其他人。

    Lonnie looked up hopefully at Dudley Smith and the others .

  10. 朗尼朝牲口棚走去,听听有什么动静。

    Lonnie walked towards the barn , listening for some sound .

  11. 朗尼在凶案发生前几周来找过我。

    Ronnie Defeo came to me weeks before the murders .

  12. 乔和朗尼两人都试着要约我出去。

    Joe and Lonny are both trying to go out with me .

  13. 最后朗尼伸手下去抓住马克的腿。

    Finally Lonnie reached down and got a grip on Mark 's leg .

  14. 他比朗尼先赶到猪圈。

    He reached the pen before Lonnie got there .

  15. 在这之前,朗尼和唐尼的“床”只是一张放在地板上的特大号双人床垫。

    Before receiving it , they slept on the floor on a queen-sized mattress .

  16. 他的名字叫朗尼?何举,他是越南战争回来的老兵。

    His name is Lonnie Hodge , and he 's a veteran of Vietnam .

  17. 朗尼感觉得到克莱姆亨利的目光正穿透他的后脑勺。

    Lonnie could feel Clem henry 's eyes boring into the back of his head .

  18. 如果被定罪,他和朗尼拉都将面临40年的有期徒刑。

    He and Lonina each face up to 40 years in prison , if convicted .

  19. 因为伤势未复完,所以朗尼仍是后备。

    Wayne Rooney is still on the bench because he hasn 't recovered from injury .

  20. 你爸爸就是朗尼布鲁斯特?

    Your dad is Lonnie brewster ?

  21. 朗尼从眼角可以瞟见加油站的另一头。

    Lonnie could see the other end of the filling station from the corner of his eye .

  22. 朗尼的头又低下一点,他感觉到自己的眼睛湿润了。

    Lonnie 's head fell forward a little more , and he could feel his eyes becoming damp .

  23. 朗尼正想站起来走开,这时他看到阿奇正看着自己。

    Lonnie was on the verge of getting up and leaving when he saw arch looking at him .

  24. 当他们在车道上朝大房子走时,朗尼听着猪的哼声。

    Lonnie listened to the grunting of the pigs as they walked up the driveway towards the big house .

  25. 朗尼告诉我,约四分之三的所有用于建造房屋的材料宿舍已经被循环利用。

    Lonny tells me that about three quarters of all the materials used to build the house have been recycled .

  26. “阿奇对你不会做出那样的事情来,克莱姆,”朗尼激动地说,可他心中有数。

    Arch would n 't do anything like that to you , clem , Lonnie said excitedly , but he knew better .

  27. 朗尼又颓然跌坐在台阶上,两手垂在叉开的两腿之间,下巴耷拉在胸前。

    Lonnie slumped down again on the steps , his hands falling between his outspread legs and his chin falling on his chest .

  28. 朗尼和他婶婶十二月份为灯塔的守灯人看顾灯塔两星期。

    Ronnie and his aunt are tending the Tern Rock lighthouse for two weeks in December while its keeper takes a much-needed vacation .

  29. 两星期前,此位车路士中场已有百分之三十四的支持率,遥遥领先第二位朗尼的百分之廿九。

    Two weeks ago Chelsea 's influential midfielder was leading by a substantial margin , 34 % of the vote to Wayne Rooney's29 % .

  30. 向前爬行已经化为朗尼自身的行动。大学生婚前性行为态度及与性行为关系

    The creeping forward began to work into the movement of Lonnie 's body . Attitude toward premarital sexual behavior and related factors among college students in Guangzhou