
  1. 如果将移动GIS技术、服务模块化的设计理念和SOA技术进行巧妙地融合,就可以构建一个架构灵活、安全性高,能够在任意地点访问的电力信息一体化平台。

    The flexible and secure Power Information Integration Platform can be constructed by conforming and absorbing mobile GIS technology , design based on modularization of service module and SOA technology .

  2. 在AOP方式中,可以反过来将日志服务模块化,并以声明的方式将它们应用到需要日志的组件上。

    In an AOP approach you would instead modularize the logging services and apply them declaratively to the components that required logging .

  3. 本研究通过严密的理论分析提出金融服务模块化创新的概念和要素构成。

    Based on strict theoretical analysis , this dissertation proposes the concept and elements of modularization innovation within financial service .

  4. 服务模块化的前提是价值链与服务的耦合,从而形成若干价值单元。

    The premise of service module is the coupling of value chain and service and form a number of value units .

  5. 三条路径共同形成了基于价值链的服务模块化对价值创造的作用机制。

    The three path form together the mechanism of action which the service module based on value chain enforce on value creation .

  6. 除了分工,基于价值链的服务模块化生成还离不开内外动力要素。

    In addition to the division , the form of service module based on value chains also inseparable from the internal and external driving factors .

  7. 可以从以下二个维度来理解服务模块化:一是服务系统的模块化设计、解构及集成,二是产业组织层面的服务模块化。

    The service module can be understood from two aspects . Namely modularity design , deconstruction and integration of service system and industrial organization service module .

  8. 尽管现有研究中,服务模块化已经成为新兴话题,但是对服务模块化创新的过程等基本但极其重要的问题反而缺乏深入研究。

    Although in the existing researches , service modularization has become a new topic , while some basic but crucial important problems are in lack of in-depth research .

  9. 本文通过对152家金融企业样本的实证研究有力地支撑了金融服务模块化创新的两个维度,即金融服务产品模块化和金融服务流程模块化都对创新绩效的具有显著正向影响。

    Based on empirical study on 152 samples of financial enterprises , this dissertation finds that , financial service product modularization and process modularization have significantly positive effects on innovation performance .

  10. 明确定义和交付的集成服务以模块化的方式促进跨组织的重用和共享能力。

    Integration services are clearly defined and delivered in a modular way promoting reuse and shared competencies across the organization .

  11. 在服务组织模块化的内部,价值协同与风险规避是促成服务模块化的两大动力要素。

    In the internal of service modularity organization , the value synergy and risk aversion are two elements contributed to service module .

  12. 而OSGi则在这个基础上又有所提升,它以轻量级的方式把服务变得更加模块化。

    OSGi takes it to the next level by making services more modular , but still doing it in a lightweight manner .

  13. 检测规则按相应系统与服务类型以模块化形式存储,通过应用配制文件加载。

    The detection rules are stored by modules and loaded by configuration files .

  14. 智能服务机器人的模块化视觉平台研究

    Research of Modularized Vision-Platform of Intelligent Service Robot

  15. 给出了公用服务舱的模块化设计,提出适用于承力筒设计的基本结构单元和单元组合方式。

    The modular design for public service module is discussed , put forward basic structure of units and unit composition for the tube design .

  16. 本文根据863重点项目机器人模块化体系结构设计,提出智能服务机器人的模块化视觉平台设计研究。

    In accordance with 863 key projects " Modularized Universal Architecture of Robot ", in this dissertation , we gave the definition of vision platform modular concept for the intelligent service robot .

  17. 本文围绕推进系统(储箱)和设备进行一体化设计。提出公用服务舱结构模块化设计,以及在一体化、模块化设计基础上的结构优化方案。

    This paper integrated designed on the propulsion system ( tank ) and equipments , then made series , modular design of public service module structure , and structural optimization on this basis .

  18. SOA是以业务服务的形式提供模块化功能的一种技术。

    SOA is the technology that provides the modular functionality in the form of business services .

  19. 本系统遵循的另一个重要规范是OSGi,它是由OSGi联盟提出的一个开放性服务规范,为模块化应用的开发定义了一个基础架构。

    In addition , the system follows another important specification called OSGi which is an open service specifications proposed by the OSGi Alliance . It defines a modular application development infrastructure .

  20. 面向在轨服务航天器模块接口标准化设计

    Standardization Design of Spacecraft Module Interface Which Accepted On-Orbit Service

  21. 在有些情况下,为了支持服务的功能重新模块化现有的资产需要遗留系统的组件化。

    In some cases , componentization of the legacy systems is needed to re-modularize the existing assets for supporting service functionality .

  22. 服务提供平台基于模块化分层的体系架构,实现单一或合成共性服务的统一提供,并通过流程实例管理及流程事务管理保障了服务流程的顺利执行。

    Based on modular and layered architecture , Service Delivery Platform realize unified single or composited common services access , and guarantee the QoS of implementation by service flow instance management and service flow transaction management .

  23. 本文主要研究工作和成果如下:(1)分析了面向融合服务的复杂产品模块化设计类型及其过程,建立了支持该类型产品生命周期管理的模块化设计方法体系及技术框架。

    The main research work and achievements in the paper are as follows : ( 1 ) Analyze the modular design form and process of complex product that oriented integration service , set up modular design method system and technical framework that support the type of product life cycle management .

  24. 重构系统以获得业务服务会导致服务和组件的模块化框架。

    Refactoring systems to harvest business services should result in a modular framework of services and components .

  25. 服务设计是从业务的角度对系统进行服务模块化的设计,架构设计是在服务设计之后,对服务模块在技术层面实现所作的架构设计。

    Service design is a service modular design from a business point of view . Architecture design is the service model architecture design on technical level after the service design .

  26. 结合企业案例,站在服务价值创造的视角,从价值链系统出发,沿着基本服务活动、辅助服务活动、服务对象和服务职能四条维度来分析实施服务模块化的路径。

    Combined business case , standing on the perspective of service value creation , from the value chain system , the path implementing service module is analyzed along to four paths of the basic service , auxiliary services , service object and service function .